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It was dark by the time my conversation with Tom had ended, and I walked outside to the busy nights of London. I couldn't go back to Hogwarts yet, not back to the wizard world still mourning the love of Tom. I decided I wanted a coffee, and halfway on my way to the shop two blocks down, Mattheo saw me.

"Why rose, after everything this morning, have I caught you with two guys? Why can't it just be the two of us? Why do you have to love him too? Or at least you could've stopped leading me on. You didn't even wait for me to come here" He says, his emotions out of sorts and worn out. 

"I'm sorry that after catching you kissing Ginny Weasley I didn't have the strongest desire to be with you," I say, sharply.

"What?" He asks, sounding caught off guard.

"Yeah. I saw it" I say continuing to walk past him. I feel his hand grab my wrist before I can leave and he spins me around.

"Wait" He says.

"Wait for me. Wait for me to come to my senses, wait for me to finally be able to talk to you about how I feel, wait for me to not be an idiot. The one thing you need to trust me on is that you're the one i want. Its you, always has been and probably always will be. So why can't the world work in a way that you'll love me too?" He says, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Oh so that explains why you were kissing Ginny" I say dryly, taking my hand from his. Mattheo rolls his eyes and finally looks at me. 

He takes my hand again and says "Listen Rose, she's liked me for awhile, you know that. And after you disappeared, saying nothing about last night, I was furious. You didn't tell me anything, and I knew you'd run off and find a reason not to be with me. So fuck it, I kissed Ginny. She was right there. To see if last night was anything. To see if you would react."

"You're an asshole" I say quickly walking away from him. 

"I knew you'd run back to him" He calls out from behind me and I hear him apperate behind me. 

I shake my head, more annoyed then anything, and walk into the coffee shop. I transfigure some kind of muggle money and sit at the counter, sipping the black coffee. It felt warm while outside fall was biting. 

I thought about everything. 

I knew I needed to make things right with mattheo, because I'd see him for the next few months. He was my best friend. That didnt need to change. And I don't need to commit myself to Tom. I'm still young, and I can fall in love with Mattheo. We can do it for the hell of it. I needed to tell him sooner rather then later though, because I could tell he didn't know I felt that way. We needed something light between us. 

So I tried to concentrate and see where he was. Impractical, but when we were younger, we'd practice all the time, when our days were filled with each other rather then school. 

He was at the beach. And without needing to know, I knew which one. I drank the last of my coffee and left the rest of my muggle money on the counter, then apperated to Sandy House Beach, south of London. 

"Rose" Mattheo's voice says sternly, echoing after the pop of apperation.

"Mattheo" I say walking towards him. 

"I want too" I say looking directly into his brown eyes. 

"Don't say that Rose. Don't say that if you don't mean it" He says, raising a warning eyebrow. 

And then I lean in, and kiss him. He felt warm against my skin as I ran my hand through his hair. Leaving my hand around his neck, I look up at him. 

"Does that answer your question" I say softly against his lips. 

Bad Love- a Riddle love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now