The Night Back

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"He's coming back" Mattheo announces, stepping back into the living room. 

"Are you sure?" I ask. 

"I'm sure" Mattheo answers sitting beside me. "So what do we do?" I ask. "It'll be ok, everything will be normal. Tom will just be there too" He answers. I swallow hard and say "I guess so, yeah." 

I lean onto Mattheo's shoulder and sigh, and the two of us watch the minutes tick by on the clock above. 

"Dinner was over almost an hour ago love, we should pack. We're leaving tomorrow, early. We need to sleep" Mattheo says. "I know," I say with a sigh as the two of us stand up, neither wanting to. 

"Alright, I'll come into your room when I'm done, ok?" Mattheo says. 

"How do you know you'll be done first" I challenge with a smile. "Oh Rosie, the same every year. Just trust me on this one" He says and winks, heading into his room. 

It was just Tom, Mattheo and I left. Everyone else had returned to their parents for the remainder of the holiday, but the three of us were leaving tomorrow for Hogwarts. 

It was honestly exciting, to go back. I've missed sneaking out at night, Saturday Quidditch, not going to class on the rainy days and saying your sick to sit in bed and read. Everything. I've missed Hogwarts.


True to his word, about an hour and a half later, Mattheo comes into my room. 

"Told you I'd be done first" He says collapsing onto my bed. I mumble to myself some incomprehensible answer and try to shove my trunk shut. 

"It won't close" I say sighing and lying on the floor. 

"Colloportus" Tom says entering my room, as my trunk shuts itself neatly.  I look up at him, and the desire I felt earlier came rushing back. 

"Hey Tom" I say quietly and lie down on the floor, exhausted but happy that effort was over. 

"The three of us need to sleep yea? I was just coming into say goodnight" Tom says, then hugs me tightly. He shoves a note into my pocket, unnoticed by Mattheo as he leaves the room. 

"I suppose I should go too" Mattheo says kissing my forehead and leaving as well. I wave as the door shuts behind him, then open up the crumpled piece of paper. 

'Meet me at one am, tonight.'

I laugh to myself as I quickly discard the note. I had no idea he was going to Hogwarts with us, so this better be some sort of apology. I'll go, I decide. But just to see what its all about.

I change into a large sweater and flannel pj pants, then grab a book and crawl into bed, waiting for the clock to strike one. 


The cold hallways surround me as I make my way to Tom's room, the only light being my wand. 

"You know it won't be the same" I say quietly as I walk into his room, cautious not to cause anyone else in the house to stir. It was late, and silent other then the two of us. 

"Rose" He says walking over to me and wraps his arm around my waist, kissing me softly. 

"Tom" I whisper, placing my hands on his chest but not pushing him off.

"I know it won't be the same Rose. I know you're probably trying to convince yourself that this was all from the past. But why the hell is the past still effecting your present love? Why can't you find it in yourself to get over me?" He says, almost daring me to answer. His expression is deadly serious, and I know he knows he has me. 

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