Late Nights

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Mini a/n: 2k reads i cant believe it you guys make my day i love you all so much message me if u wanna talk love you*


It was June fifth, two days since Riddle and I's potion assignment was completed, and we hadn't spoken since, tension filling us around others and rarely finding an opportunity to speak, so as time went on so did the tension. He seemed worried, more tense then usual as well, probably because of what was happening outside the castle.

"Rose, hello??" Pansy asks waving her hand in front of my face. 

"Right. What was the question?" I ask hopefully. Athena, Pansy and I were studying in the library together, however I was rarely able to focus. 

"Three ingredients for liquid luck" Athena repeats. 

"Occamy eggshell, merlap tentacle and octopus bulb?" I say, asking more then answering. 

"Almost, last one is squill bulb" Athena says. 

"Hey Pans, what do I normally do during holiday?" I ask. 

"Spend it with the Riddles I suppose. We all do. Other then last holiday, we were at the Malfoy's. But it all usually works out rather well" Pansy says flipping over a cue card. 

I nod and pick up a question. 

"How many times do you stir Polyjuice?" I ask.


It was 9 pm, and curfew would begin soon if we weren't careful. Blaise and Draco had joined us studying and now Blaise and I were sneaking out for food. 

"Shut up" I say laughing as we try to run through the halls undetected. We reach the kitchen carefully and grab tubs of ice cream, along with fresh cookies. 

"Move, go" Blaise whispers as we enter the library through the passageway, undetected by Madame Pince, who would probably leave within the hour or so. Although with exams coming up, students would be here long past closing hours.

"Food secured" Blaise and I announce as we reach the messy table all of us were currently sprawled out near, out books and quills covering the surface. 

As the five of us take a snack break, we decide to be finished with studying for the night. But the common room was busy with a party tonight, and the library was perfect for late night laughs. That is, when Pince is gone. 

"You're wrong Malfoy, accept it!" Blaise yells across the library, proving that two copies of the potions text existed. 

"Shut up!" All of us yell at him at the same time, but it was too late. 

"Some people are trying to study Mr. Zabini. And no food in the library!" Pince says from her desk, barely lifting her thick glasses. 


It was now eleven, and most students and Madame Pince had left. Contrary to Draco's pleas, we continued to study, finding group quizzing more effective then anything. And an interesting duo had just entered the library. 

"Since when are they back together" Pansy sneers nodding towards the door. In the doorway stood Mattheo and Astoria, hand in hand, cold looks on both of their faces, a textbook shared between them. 

"It must be pathetic, only able to study with your Year 5 girlfriend" Athena says rolling her eyes. 

"Ignore them" Blaise says. 

"Oh honey, I've had ice cream and a little bit of alcohol, I'm good for the night. I could care less about a boy I don't even remember" I say smiling. 

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