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"I'm not supposed to be here" Tom said as he removed the scarf around his neck, despite the fact it was summer. 

"Why are you?" I say washing my hands of the paint from earlier. 

"I needed to see you" He says, walking up behind me. 

His hands rest of either of my hips as he spins me around. 

"How are you?" He asks softly, caressing the small of my back. 

"im doing well" I answer, looking up at him. 

"Your eyes are beautiful" he says softly, kissing my forehead. 

"Do you want to go out with me?" He says. 

"I thought you weren't allowed to be here" I say. 

"We don't have to go far" He says and takes my hand. 

We walk out the back door and forwards, the green grass passing beneath my feet. 

We reach the tall old tree in the center of the large field. 

He sits at the base of it and motions for me to sit beside him. 

I put my head in his lap lying sideways so I can see him. 

His face had changed, matured slightly. He looked grown up now. The shape of his jawline had sharpened and his eyes seemed more intense. His hair had grown out, now slightly messy. His upper lip shaped like a tear drop, his nose perfect. 

He looked perfect. 

"How bad is it getting?" I ask softly. 

"Worse everyday. Their angry, mad about the new laws. The ministry's killing us left and right, and his army is shrinking. We're in danger daily. I needed to get away, just for a second" He says. 

"Of course" I say. 

"You know, I always imagined we would move here together one day" He says. 

"Really?" I ask, suprised but happy. 

"In this little cottage, you waking up and me making coffee, reading the paper but laughing at the far away problems. Reading and writing, studying the stars. It would be peaceful. I think that's what I would want for my future" He says. 

"Then that's what we'll do" I whisper. 

"I've missed you this summer" He says. 

"I've missed you too" I say softly. 

I sit up and press my lips onto his. It feels right. 

He holds the back of my head, keeping us close. 

When the kiss ends, he offers me his hand and the two of us stand up. He pulls me close to him and leaves his hands around my waist as he presses out bodies together, my arms around him. Our foreheads connect softly, and the bridges of our noses meet. 

"i love you" He whispers. 

"I love you too" I say. 

He spins me around then back into him. 

"Rose Riddle. I like the sound of it" He says. 

I laugh as I feel drops of water starting to drip down from the sky. 

"C'mon!" Tom yells grabbing my hand as we run, laughter spreading the fields around us. 

We were just two kids, running around in the rain, in a plain field.

And yet the emotions, the pure happiness that erupted out of that moment, I knew I would never forget. 


He came to visit often now, weather it was storming or hot, happy or sad, he would be here. Sometimes we would bake, or read, or simply stare at the stars outside. It was although we were living on a different planet, one where it was just us. He never slept over, because his family would know. 

But he would stay late and come over early.

We would dance and run and kiss and cry and talk and laugh and love. 

We would live. 

It was once of the best summers of my life. 

One I never realized would mean so much too me later on. 


I didn't see Mattheo once. Blaise, Pansy, and Draco occasionally, but they were all in different parts of Europe. 

I thought of him sparsely when Tom mentioned him, but I just focused on the day ahead of me. 

On what Tom and I would do. 

We grew so close that summer, closer then ever before. 

And we were both in love, and we knew that, and for awhile it was just him and me, together. 

It was us. 


When the time came to return to school, his visits became more and more rare, the stress and sadness laid on both of us crashing down. It was days, then a week. 

It was the beginning of term and I needed to go back. 

I knew he wouldn't come back to school, maybe even wouldn't visit. 

It just sucked I didn't get to say goodbye to him, goodbye to that summer, wish him luck for the new year. 


But I still remember that summer, where it was us.

And we were both in love, and we knew that, and for awhile it was just him and me, together. 

Bad Love- a Riddle love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now