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I begin to forget why I agreed to this. The spur of the moment, unable to lose the argument that had spiraled into something so different.

"I'll keep it short Malfoy, why'd you ask me here?" I said tugging at the wrists of my sweater. He finally turns around to look at me and motions for me to come near. 

I take a few steps towards him, then fold my arms on top of each other and rest them on the balcony facing outwards. 

"I asked you here because you intrigue me, Black. Deeply" he says locking his piercing eyes with mine. 

"Let me ask you this," he says closing the space between us. "Do I even have a chance?" he says, tone dropping the confidence it previously held. 

I feel breathless in the spur of the moment, confused at what had come out of his mouth. 

"What?" I ask, caught off guard. 

"Do I have a narrow chance? Even the tiniest possibility?" He says turning to face the grounds below us. 

His hands instantly find themselves around my waist as he pulls me closer. "How can I answer when I don't know the question Malfoy," I say looking up at him

"Just say yes then," He says. 

"I'm flattered, but-"

"But you're with the Riddles? Relax Rose, you and I both know you need a slight break from them. Plus, nothing serious. Just something fun for a little. People think hate's the opposite of liking somebody, but I think the line is thin. So why don't we cross that line, just for a bit?" He says. And so the two of us sit down

We talk, eventually watching the charming stars fly around, the sun sinks into the trees below it. Our conversation is steady and interesting, varying from home to school life, classes to favorite places and eventually feelings. 

"I need to ask you something" draco says tilting my head towards his. We were sitting against the stone wall, starring beyond the forest. 

I nod and he continues. "From the day I met you, you've been occupied and infatuated by the Riddle twins. I need to know, is there truly anything going on between you and them?" 

I take a deep breath and think to the answer. 

"Tom might have been my first love. He could've even been my first everything if he wanted too. For that boy, I would've done anything. I truly believe I might have loved him. But the thing about love, is that always something goes wrong. No one is ever truly happy you see? But with him I felt I was. When he left, he took part of me with him. I miss him, and can't say that if he was here I wouldn't be madly in love with him" I say looking at the sky, biting the corner of my lip and wondering where he was now

"And the other? It's interesting you immemadietly heard love and thought one" Draco says with a smirk.

"Mattheo, he's been my best friend since forever. If I were to choose between him and anyone, it would be him. It's a different type of love I believe, platonic. I love them both. But for Mattheo, it's not that way right now." I say. 

The thing about the blonde in front of me that never fails to entice me is the way he listens. He looks like he's truly watching you, truly listening, truly caring. 

"I never thought I could get you away from them. Get an ounce of your attention even. Your  enchanting Rose. People can't take there eyes off you, they don't want too, but when those two come around they know they've lost. But now that we're here, you and I, I can't help but wanting to kiss you" He says, his face inches from mine. 

I connected our lips together and I felt him smile as he pulled me closer.


I wake up and notice the familiar light shining through my eyes. Only this morning its not shielded by curtains, rather directly in my eye sight. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I sit up from the hard stoney ground. My eyes dart down to the blonde lying where I was and I notice his face looks almost peaceful. I smile to myself at his soft expression as his eyes open and he places his forearm across his face too block the sun. 

Sitting up, I realize I was wearing his hoodie leaving his chest bare. I lift the hoodie over my head and pass it too him. 

"Morning" he says and kisses the side of my cheek. "Morning Malfoy" I say smiling. If you'd told me that I'd be here with him twelve hours ago, I probably would've laughed. But here we are.

Tucking my wand in my pocket, I get up. Draco takes my hand and gets up as well, his tall figure now towering over me. He kisses the top of my head and whispers "Shall we?"

I nod and the two of us descend the stairs, unnoticed by any teachers, particularly Filch. 

We make our way all the way down to the dungeons and take a second to catch our breath, then Draco mutters the password and the wall splits over. 

Stepping inside the common room I realize how early it must be. Pressing my finger to Draco's lips I begin to lead him upstairs, trying not to make a noise. 

The fifth stair creaks when I step on the center of it and a brunette I didn't notice sleeping on the chair beneath us suddenly becomes awake. 

"Rose?" He asks sleepily. "Morning" I say leaving Draco and walking over too Mattheo. Mattheo's relaxation is cut short however when he springs up from the chair and walks over to Draco. "What the fuck mate" Mattheo says punching Draco in the jaw. 

Draco stumbles back and I grab Mattheo. He's mad. Eventually he turns around and faces me. 

"Why the fuck were you with him" He fires into my face. I take a step away from him and take a deep breath starting to talk. "We were just out late-" "I'm sorry for yelling. I'm sorry. You shouldn't owe me details" He says hugging me. 

"Its ok" I say hugging him back. Mattheo nods and runs a frustrated hand through his hair. 

"What's wrong?" I ask. "Nothing" he says and leaves the room. I shake my head and inhale sharply, then turn around and see Draco. 

I walk towards him and his arm loops around my waist as the two of us start to walk up the stairs again. "I'm sorry he did that" I say. "It's not your fault" he says and kisses my forehead. 

"I'll make you a deal. Punch in the face for you too come to the party on friday with me. Oh wait, I already fulfilled my part so..." he says smoothly. I laugh and nod. "I'll be there" I say leaning up to kiss his cheek. 

I walk past him and reach my dorm, throwing myself on the bed too look up at the ceiling. I felt tired as I didn't really sleep the night before, and felt myself drifting off before I could help it.

Bad Love- a Riddle love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now