Swimming in the Rain

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It had been almost a week since he left. Mattheo and I rarely spent a moment away from each other, from studying to sleeping to eating, we were almost always together. The two of us missed Tom, although neither wanted to address it.

We had gone to classes and stolen notes off the odd person, usually Hufflepuffs, them being far more intelligent than credited for. 

The echo of Snape's loud voice sounds loud and clear through the silent class of first years who obviously had an explosion. 

"You are dismissed" We hear Snape say and the scrambling of kids each trying to leave first, racing to get their bags. With a wave of his wand, Snape cleans up the mess caused by a greasy-haired Gryffindor boy and motions his hand to let in the fifth-year students waiting by the door, us.

"Stay there" Snape says, his usual tone not uttering more then a few syllables. Walking over to his desk, he pulls out a list and begins rattling off names. After McMillian and Thomas are called, he looks up from his list and barks "Why is no one moving? New seating arrangements. Go" 

Groans echo through the class but are soon silenced by the death glare Snape gives. 

"Riddle, Parkinson" Lucky. "Zabini, Brown" Unlucky Blaise. "Black, malfoy" Unlucky.

With a sigh, I stay in place waiting until after everyone's gone to argue with snape. 

I had been successfully avoiding Malfoy, him mostly sitting with Blaise and keeping to himself. However the bitter remarks and snide attitude did not go unnoticed, nor unbothered. He got under my skin, worse then Peeves which is saying something. He always seemed to get better grades, better recognition, better everything. We often fought in class, both being right in our own ways but too stubborn to see past our differences.

When the last two take their seats, my eyes dart over to a smirking Malfoy in the back corner, then back to Snape. 

"Is there a reason you are still standing Ms. Black?" Snape asks. Just as I'm about to speak, I hear a rather annoying voice say from the corner "No reason sir, just her excitement to work together. It would be quite rude for her to hold up the class now wouldn't it? C'mon Black, I don't bite" 

Draco finishes his little monologue with a smirk spread wide across his face as I scoff and fall  into the chair beside him. 

I can't focus on Snape's lecture about unicorn horns, the occasional word drifting into my mind then leaving. I trace my ink over the end of my thumb, drawing a snake wrapped around a heart. 

Halfway through the midbody though, I am rudely interrupted. 

"Shit!" I hear myself say loudly, pain echoing through my head. I turn to my side and see Draco chuckling softly and I realized what he did. He attempted to infiltrate my mind. 

"Language! What is the reason for this interruption?" Snape snaps. 

"He tried to infiltrate my mind!" I say, angrier than before. Snape turns to Draco whose face is priceless. 

"Sir, just practicing that's all" He says. "Detention for both of you" Snape says. At the same time we both begin saying variations of 'That's not fair'. Because really, it wasn't.

"It was his fault!" "She shouldn't be distracted! I was trying to focus her!" "Invasion of privacy!" "Not when your distracting me too!" 

"Enough" Snape eventually says, his sharp tone cutting through the room. 

"If either of you so much as move a finger in my class, you will be serving detention" He says sternly. 

I see out of the corner of my eye, the clock chime 3 and begin to pack my things. 

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