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Waking up on the side of the leather sofa, Mattheo's arms holding me tight, I can't help but smile at the boy sitting in front of me. 

Feeling me move in his arms, he begins to open his eyes. 

"Morning love," Mattheo says, his voice still scratchy from the morning. 

"It's not morning," I say, a  smile on my face. 

Mattheo groans and turns over onto his other side, shielding his eyes from the tall windows. I decide to let the tired boy sleep and stand up quietly. 

Stepping out of the room of requirement and dodging through the busy halls, I find myself back in my dorm. 

An impatient owl is tapping at my window, along with a note already on my bed. Opening the note on my bed first, I begin to read the cursive. 

To Rose, 

I'm sorry you heard it. 


I look over the note twice, then toss it onto my bedside table. 

I let out a frustrated sigh as thoughts begin to circle my head. 

I miss the easier way things were. 

I miss Tom. 

Opening the owl still tapping on my window, I unfold the neatly creased note. 

Dear Rose and Mattheo Riddle,

Your presence is requested by the medical board of St. Mungos because of your relations with Tom Riddle. No others can meet with this patient, so the two of you will be crucial. Thank you. 

Tonks, Healer 

Rose Riddle. Must be a mistake, but one made quite often. If I'm honest, it almost felt like everyone expected Mattheo and I to be together. I didn't like that we were a plot that was folding out easily for them. That everyone thought it was easy, the everyone thought I loved him, and not his brother. That everyone thought that Mattheo loved me, not Tom. 

Tom's in the hospital. Does that make his condition better or worse? And he wasn't on speaking terms with Bellatrix or Voldemort. 

I wanted to see Tom. I needed to see Tom.

This morning with Mattheo felt special, but different. It didn't feel like us. Tom had always been more of a love to me, more of a romantic love. I wonder if I will ever feel what I feel for Tom, for Mattheo. 

I wanted to see Tom. 

Changing quickly and grabbing the letter for Mattheo, I headed out of my dorm. 

I see the red hair of the youngest Weasley in the Slytherin common room. 

The sight of anyone wearing maroon robes in the emerald room was surprising, but what came after was even more so. I watched as she walked over to a specific brown-haired boy, the one I woke up beside this morning. 

I felt myself freeze as she sat on his lap, straddling him and connecting their lips. 

Thoughts swirl my head as my eyes widen and I drop the letter onto a nearby table and walk out of the common room. I didn't feel hurt, but sort of surprised. And I felt like a little bit of an idiot. Not for the Ginny part, but because I tricked myself into thinking I had feelings for my best friend. 

I knew the only boy I ever really even liked was Tom, and that hadn't changed, despite this morning. Sometimes the moment catches up with you. 

Pushing through everyone in the halls, I reach the outside grounds and decide to apparate. 

Bad Love- a Riddle love triangleUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum