Friday Night

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I wake up just in time and run to the great hall. I reach the table, an effortless smile playing on my lips. Sitting beside Draco, I take a sip of his coffee.

"That doesn't taste sweet at all," I say scrunching my eyebrows in response to the bitterness of the beverage in front of me. Draco smirks and tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "That's the point," he says with a genuine smile. I watch his expression fade rather quickly when a tall brunette appears behind me.

I turn around but before I can say anything Mattheo says "morning love" and kisses my cheek. He hands me an iced coffee and I smile at the obvious sugar in the cup. Mattheo's mood seems to have improved a lot.

"Rose I need to tell you something" Mattheo continues and grabs my hand leading me out of the hall.

"Whats up" I say pushing myself up onto the window ledge in the courtyard.

"Its about Tom" he says avoiding eye contact with me.

People talk about how things like rollercoasters are scary. But really, what scares them is the stomach dropping fear of not knowing how everything will end, not knowing what's next. That's what I felt when those words fell out of Mattheo's mouth.

I stammer and finally find the words to say "Is he ok?"

"Oh god, yes of course. He's definetly alive" Mattheo says and scratches the back of his neck.

"What is it?" I demand, realizing my tone wasn't fair but my fear swirled into anger of the unknown.

"The Dark Lord and Tom were, erm, out. And on this errand, Tom injured himself" Mattheo says, his tone implying not even he believed those words.

"What happened?" I repeat.

"They were dueling. He, well he, stood up for you. You were going to get the- the mark" Mattheo drew out with a sigh. My emotions change from anger too fear and guilt.

Tom's pov, flashback too the accident

"If you so much as touch her I will kill you myself, understand" I yelled across the room at my father. His mouth twitched but I repeated his actions, controlling Nagini too instead lunge at the miserable man in front of me.

"This girl, cannot get in the way of my plans. You are my son! And you will do what I tell you. She is a worthless girl, one who will only hurt you. Betrothe her to you. Have her under your rule" My father said drawing each venomous syllable out slowly.

Some may call it love, others that burning feeling too put a specific person before yourself. Whatever those people call it, thats what happened.

"Not everyone is a loveless monster" I yell at this despicable man I call father.

The word 'crucio' leaves his mouth before I can finish my sentence. This feeling was familiar, however usually the curse was released after my begs for relief and after enough suffering. Tonight however, I endured through the worst hours of my life. I felt my soul, my body tearing away from me. I saw everything flash before me, leaving her and the control my father had. And it all swirled into a giant thought, eventually leaving my mind blank.

My body had given out.

Back to rose's pov

"It was my fault" I say looking down and wiping the forming tears from my eyes.

Mattheo seems at a loss for words and I realize he's also worried about his brother. My arms find their way around Mattheo's waist and his hands find mine.

"He'll be ok" I say, my tone questioning more then I would've liked. Mattheo nods and pulls my hips closer to his as the two of us stand there, in our minds the only people in the world. He was the person I needed right now.

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