Chapter 20. Frickle Frackle.

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(Austin's P.OV)

  Everything was still dark and I could here blury noises but my eyes would not open and I don't know why..

I thought I heard Becky's voice which is a miracle but I'm not really sure to be honest.

Becky would never visit me in the hospital she freaken hates my guts, well I think I'm in the hospital.

I thought I heard Cody's voice too but that sickens me.. I really want to punch him.

I really hate him right now.

He actually thinks he has the right to fucken take her from me and betray me like that. I mean I guess I can't blame him, he doesn't even know that I like Becky.

Wait... What the fuck did I just say.

I don't like Becky in fact I should hate her for going off on me like that for no damn reason.

Because I did nothing wrong I'm pretty sure. Its not my fault she decided to go and get jealous of Camila just because I wasn't hanging out with her.

Shit. Camila. Where is dat hoe.

What even, I just called my own ho-.. I mean girlfriend a hoe oh my god I think I'm sick in my mind.

To be honest Camila and I haven't even had sex, or frickled frackled. But I'm not virgin, I did a white bunny rabbit named Darnell.

Kidding. I really need to stop talking to myself but I really can't help it.. I'm all alone here.

I can't feel any part of my body, most of it hurts actually. My eyes won't fucken open on command and I can't hear any voices very clearly.

Damn. What did that car crash do to me..

It makes me wonder if anyone knows.. well I'm sure it's everywhere in the news and all of that, so I'm pretty sure Becki knows.

But, does my girlfriend know? I mean I can't hear her voice, maybe she's not here because she doesn't know yet.

I feel more sleepy now even though my eyes are closed and I'm not even talking outloud.

I want Becky's virginity.

Wait what the heck is up with me.


(Cody's P.O.V) (SURPRISE)

Now, gosh I really do love her to death.. and I really hope she feels the same way.

Its just that sometimes I feel like she doesn't because she's always worried about Austin..

We just left the hospital.. Becki really freaked out when she saw Austin on the hospital bed. I even admit it was not a pretty sight.

I mean I'm a bit worried to but I'm more pissed off at him because Becky is giving all her attention to him I mean I thought they weren't  talking or something.

Sigh. All I can hope for is that he doesn't steal her from me..

When we got back to her house I followed her inside because I didn't really want to go back home.

I was also in a very lustful mood and wanted to-do her so badly but I wasn't sure if it was the right time.

"Aren't you going home Cody?" She turned around and I nearly ran into her because I was too busy in my thoughts.

"I didn't want to leave you alone babe, I thought maybe we could have some fun if you know what I mean".

I wiggled my eyebrows.

She suddenly looked pissed but it made her look more hot so I didn't really mind.

"Cody now is not the time, I'm really worried about Austin and I want to be alone right now so can yo-.. what are you doing!" She screamed.

I had started backing her into the wall, I pressed my body against her and she tried to push me but I grabbed her wrists and held them above her head.

I thought I saw some scars but I was too busy trying to keep her still.

"Becky stop fucking moving" I growled.

She glared at me with so much hate but it still didn't scare me.

I use my free hand and run  my hand up and down her body and grasp her butt squeezing it hard.

She let out a gasp of shock and pain.


I lean in closer to her my mouth next to her ear and put my hand down her pants very eagerly.

"Watch me." I muttered.

Then I picked her up, carried her to her room, slammed the door

and threw her on the bed.

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Intense Chapter I know I wanted to surprise you guys haha.
And omg austin and Becky are doing a new song!!!!
I can't wait but I hoped you enjoyed the chapter!
I've decided to update every Wednesday so stay tuned!

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