Epilogue <3

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Well its finally here... the last chapter guys thanks to all who didn't give up on this book for it's slow updates lol I started this book last August wow its been almost a year... I got a laptop for my birthday xD and I may or may not have thought of a five chapter sequel (;

~Grace xx


(10 years later) (Third P.O.V)

Becstin have been married for 10 years now and have 4 year old twins, Oscar and Rosa.

The family are living happily in a two story house in a lovely neighborhood.

Becky and Austin quit making music when the twins were born but they may or may not continue doing it.


Becky stood in the kitchen making salad as a treat for the kids whom were chasing eachother around the house.

She has told them repeatedly to stop and go do it outside but the little brats won't listen.

Becky sighs after hearing something break and goes to see what happened.

The twins were standing in the living room staring at the broken lamp with wide eyes.

Oscar: oops
Rosa: sorry mommy

They both smiled up at her with so much innocence and pride.

Then they hear the front door open and they hear a voice that gets everyone excited.

DADDY'S HOME! Austin screamed.

The twins run to greet him leaving Becky to clean up the mess herself.

Well it's not like they could clean it up since they're still young.

After cleaning the mess up she finds Austin with each twin attached to each of his legs in the kitchen.

Becky greets him with a peck on the lips making the children giggle.

Austin could tell Becky was stressed out which made him feel bad because he had to get up at 7 am and then come home around 6 pm.

He looked down sternly at the happy faces attached to his legs.

Have you guys been giving mommy a hard time again? He asked.

Oscar: We broke a lamp
Rosa: on accident daddy

Oscar looked proud while Rosa looked like she was going to cry because she thought they were in trouble.

Becky saw this and picked her baby girl up and just held her saying that it was okay.

Austin sighed at his son's now scared face.

Just be more careful next time okay? He said.

Oscar: ohkay
Rosa: yes sir

Austin smiled at them and looked up at Becky smirking.

Dont worry about mommy either I'll make her feel better at bed time, Austin smirked at Becky's horrid look which turned into a glare.

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