Chapter 18. Forgiveness

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Okay hi guys I know you probably hate me right now but I am

really really sorry :c I told you I wanted this story done by

Christmas or New Years and I have completely failed that I am

so sorry I really am... but guess what, I got a phone for

Christmas c: I'm so happy lol it may not be one of those fancy

iPhone's but I don't care it's it's a really good phone. Its a

Samsung Galaxy Light. Anyways I have no idea when this story

will be ending to be honest but I promise to try to update more

often and this time I will keep this promise... I love you all ♡♡♡

Now here's something I owe you guys.... another chapter.

(Becky's  P.O.V) 

As soon as the words, "Its a matter of life and death" came out of their mouth I broke down.


The person on the phone kept trying to calm me down and telling me that he was sure Austin would be okay.

And what if he isn't ? I whispered. The line was silent....

I dont know then Ms. Becky, the policeman said slowly.


He could tell I was still upset so being the nice man he is...

The policeman gave me the hospital and room number where Austin was staying.

I thanked him over and over again and we hung up.

The next thing  I did was call my new boyfriend who probably didn't  know what the hell was going on.

I dialed his number.


Hello? His sleepy voice was so cute.

I also remembered it was really late at night so I felt kind bad.



Thats when I started to cry some more.

Becky!?!?! Hold on sweetness now calm down and tell me what happened to Austin? He said softly.

Austin... he... he... was in a car accident.. and some guy called...

Officer Sherman was his name I think... and he said it's a matter of life and death.

Oh shit.... Cody whispered.

Is he gonna be okay Cody? And that's when I started crying again once more.

Shhh it's okay sweetness it's okay.. Don't cry.. .

Austin wouldn't want you to cry darling.

Can we go to the hospital and see if he's okay please Cody please..

Becky darling it's getting really late can't we just wait until tommorow love?

Please Cody please!!! He could die any moment now please.... I whimper.

Okay love okay.. What hospital? I'll meet you there or I could pick you up.

I'll meet you there. I whisper still crying.

Okay love I'll see you in 10. Be careful driving please I love you so much Becky.

I love you too Cody.. Bye. I hang up and get my Jacket on because it's a bit chilly outside.

Finally I run towards my car and jump in starting it up, slapping my seat belt on and trying not to speed to the Hospital.


I finally arrive to St. Joseph County Indiana Hospital (made up name)

I quickly find a parking spot, get out and lock my car.

Shet! I cursed. I unlock my car and grab my phone which I surprisingly forgot.

I speed walk into the Hospital looking for the man I love.

BECKY!!! I turn around and see Cody who was wearing sweatpants with a tank top half covered with a black jacket.

CODY!!!! I instantly start to cry again and run towards him.

I jump into his arms sobbing into his shoulder as he holds me whispering sweet things into my ear.

He gently sets me down a presses a kiss on my forehead and wraps me into a comforting hug.

To be honest right there I kinda wished they were Austin's arms.

God my thoughts are so unfaithful..

After what seemed like hours which was really about 5 minutes, we pulled apart.

He interwined our fingers together and keeping me close we walked to the front desk where some boring lady sat.

She seemed really rude, just sitting there with her head in her hand clicking away on her computer.

I think she was playing some card game like  Solitaire.

Cody seemed as annoyed as me and tapped his foot very unpatiently.

The lady finally looked up and started making googly eyes at my boyfriend which instantly pissed me off.

I gripped Cody's hand very tightly when she asked,

"What can I do for you hot stuff".

I cleared my throat annoyingly and she glared at me while I glared back.

Cody rubbed his thumb on my hand soothing me and asked her where Austin Mahone was staying.

She told us what floor and number and sent a wink towards Cody.

To her surprise Cody ignored it and instead turned to me and placed a gentle kiss on my lips and pulled me gently towards the elavator.

I turned around and stuck my tounge at the shocked bewildered looking lady and heard Cody chuckle.

The elavator closed and Cody pushed me up against the wall and stuck his tounge down my throat.

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