Chapter 4.

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Hey guys, I'm back from my trip. gosh I'm so tired.

Ima take a nap when I'm done with this chapter..

Comment so I KNOW YOUR NOT A Ghost reader xD I just

really wanna know what you think of it so far...

Have any ideas for the story, Just message me (:

I promise not to ignore you aha. Well you're probably

tired of this author note thingy so ima start writing



(Austin's P.OV)

I open my eyes and rub them. -yawns-

I check the time. 10pm. Wow I guess no morning
interviews o.O -sighs- Yes! I have the day to myself


Then it snaps.Everything from last night flows back in
my mind. Oh shit...

I still need to text becky back. Or call her.

-gets out phone, starts to text her-

Me: Hey sorry I didn't text you back yesterday
I was busy and got caught up and I guess kinda
forgot. Sorry, even tho its not a big deal since
I know you understand x

Queen BG: Whatever.

I stare at the screen.

Wtf is her problem it isn't the first time I forgot.


Me: Sass..

Queen BG: I dont give a fuck. You dont like my sass
then dont bother talking to me you have caused enough
pain already..

-I stare at the screen confused-

Wut...the...fuck.... ;-;

Me: What do you mean?

Queen BG: Never mind fuck it. forget it. Idc anymore. Wanna hang out today?

-camila texts me-

Your bae: Hey baby lets meet at McDonald's for lunch be there in 10.

Me: Oh okay see you there cammybooh

-sees Becky's text-


Queen BG: Uhm, you there...

shit shit shit -mutters to sef-

Me: Yeah, sorry.. cant hang out today. Another time yeah?
I have go meet camila for lunch in a few. so.. ttyl

-five minutes later-

She still hasnt replied.. oh well shes probably busy.

-turns off phone and starts listening to camila talk about her new shoes-

(Becky's P.O.V)

I stare blankly at the screen...

Of course he is gonna put her first..

Well she is his gf after all

He never wants to hang anymore...

All because of that stupid camila.

Idfk why I dont like her. I just dont.

She seems like a sket to me...

But I dont deserve Austin...

He needs a Pretty, good teeth, not so short, skinny girl for him...

I'm just plain ugly...

-Feels tears getting ready to come out-

Why am I so ugly and and fat and stupid


-cries into pillow-

-stomach growls-

I'm not gonna eat...

I'm too fat anyway..

I dont want to blow myself up ;-;

(again sorry its short, running out of ideas plus im

really tired, gonna go take that nap!!! Bye lovelys♡)


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