Chapter 29. Cody's dead??

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Hiiiii guys how are you ? I'm fine thanks for asking.

My birthday is next Wednesday I'll be 16 omg it sounds so old.

Lol just wow I'm really hoping to get a laptop for my birthday ((:

The story is almost over... does that make you sad? I'm sad but you can't have a book with no end. If I did make a sequel would you guys read it?? The sequel would probably be short tho. Like 5 chapters xD


(Austin's P.OV)

I stared at Becky with a shocked face my mouth wide open.

Close your mouth you'll catch flies.. she mumbles.

I closed my mouth and scratched my neck with one hand.

Grabbing her hand I lead her to the couch where we sat facing towards eachother.

What happened... how did he die..? I whispered still shocked.

Becky looked up at my with tears in her eyes and replied,

According to the police he killed himself.. by hanging himself..

Oh my god! I exclaimed.

Becky do you have an idea on why he did it?

She replied slowly as if scared of my reaction.

Cody really loved me even though he showed it in a physical way and I turned him down a lot and really broke his heart I guess it was too much for him, he kept trying to get me back and I guess he kinda gave up, got drunk and decided to kill the sadness away.

I was still shocked but I pulled her into my arms and told her not to blame herself and that this kind of stuff happens everyday.

She just nods and we just sit there not saying anything.

~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~

(Cody's P.O.V)

I sat on my bed writing the suicide love note to Becky as the tears streamed down my face not bothering to wipe them away.

I wasn't a good person I really wasn't if I can't have Becky then why live. Its not her fault...

I just feel the need to not live anymore because I don't want to hurt anyone else... like I did to her..

I folded the note and stuck it on the night stand next to my bed.

I went to the bathroom staring at the rope hanging from the ceiling.

I pulled out my phone and went to Becky's number and texted her three words.

Me: I  Love You...

Placing my phone on the floor I put the rope around around my neck and jumped from the counter.

(Yes the bathroom is that big)

That's when his phone buzzed and everything went black.

The phone buzzed because the message did not send.. the phone bill wasn't paid for the month.

(Becky's P.O.V)

As I was laying in Austin's arms I couldn't help but blame myself even though he said it wasn't my fault. In the end Austin ended up leaving for some errand so I got left alone and broke down.

There was one thing that I didn't tell Austin about and I don't really plan on telling him to be honest.

When Cody was found and note was discovered and it was for me so they gave me the letter after telling me the news.

The letter from Cody was the closest thing I had to him and what he said in it broke my heart.

The letter read:

I'm sorry
whilst I write this.
All the memories come back
and I remember all little thing about you that I'm going miss.

I'll always be there
in my own way little.
just keeping watch
And making sure your ok

I'll always love you
you'll be the only one for me.
But you will find someone new such as Austin
and I'll watch you be happy and set you free.

You'll be with someone who can hold you
not hurt you. Who's free from bed thoughts and pain
I can't be with you and watch me destroy you ... it's driving me insane.

I can't be the one who makes you cry
this is the best way love it's time we say good bye.
All I'm doing is hurting you with my fucked up way
you'd tell me you still love me but your too afraid to say
because you love Austin and I didn't want to stay.

I know I had anger issues and I'm sorry for my sexual needs for you I'm just sorry for everything and I'm glad I didn't go all the way with forcing you into anything, please dont blame yourself it is I whom I blame for falling in love with you and scaring you by yelling boo.

Hope you have a nice life Becky, forget me but then again don't. Remember me sometimes and where ever place I am in I'll be watching down on you smiling when I see you smile.

-Cody S.

The letter was safely tucked in my bottom dresser..

I would never forget him but I still felt guilty for not truly loving Cody that I relapsed that night and cut myself again..

I cried myself to sleep that night and never told Austin whom was suppose to come back that night...

(Austin's P.OV)

After leaving Becky to do some errands I went straight home instead of going back to Becky's which I promised I would.

I'm sure she'll understand anyway.

As I layed in my bed that night I heard a buzz from my phone.

looking at the text I started freaking out because I forgot about one thing...

Camilla: Hey babe sorry I didn't visit you in the hospital I've been really busy but I'm glad you're okay, let's hang out tomorrow yeah? I love ya goodnight xxx

I facepalmed... shit.

Well this chapter was certaintly sad...

Thoughts on Cody's death?

Thoughts on Becky relapsing?

Thoughts on Camila's text? and Austin remembering his relationship with her realizing he is cheating.

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