Chapter 8. Beach Part 2.

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Hey guys, sorry for not updating yesterday. I feel bad lol... sorry.

Forgive me cx or dont idc if you dont

I could always delete the story ;3 haha jk dont cry

I wont do that to you♡ Unless I have too of course..

I started school Wednesday. Did u already start? if not then when do you start? o;

Anyways you probably want me to hurry up and get on to writing the story which I'm about to do okay.

Dont forget to comment cause I wanna know what you think xD and of course vote (: if you dont mind.

Okay heres the story.

(Austin's P.OV)

Camila and I arrived at the beach in my Chevrolet Silverado.

She was wearing a sexy black two piece bathin suit.

While I on the other hand was just wearing plain blue bathin shorts with some shades.

Trust me I dont look good on purpose haha.

She grabbed my hand and interwined our fingers together as we walked onto the beach where a ton of other celebrities were.

JB and Selena Gomez were there.

Will Smith and his family were there also.

I saw my friend Cody Simpson, and waved at him.

We went and bought icecream cones.

Chocolate for me and Vanilla for her.

She doesn't like chocolate for some reason, I have no idea why... I thought everyone liked chocolate unless your allergic...

HAH who would be allergic...

(well there is Thomas J from My Girl) XD

After we were done with our icecream, Camila had a blanket so we found a spot next to the snow cone machine and sat down observing everything.

As I was about to turn cause I thought I heard a very familiar voice, camila grabs me surprising me and forces her tounge into my mouth and I respond and soon we were making out very heavy and hot.

Until she finally pulled away both of us gasping for breath. I turned back and saw no one except a few people staring which I'm sure camila glared at cause she hates public staring.

I dont really mind it though but she might get mad if she knew I didn't mind it so I haven't really told her.

I might some day, but totally not right now.


Suddenly she pushes me back onto the blanket and starts kissing me again for some unknown reason.

Instead of responding I pushed her off and got up grabbing her hand, pulling her up surprising her with my mighty strength (;

I interwine our fingers and start a walk on the beach looking at everything.

Suddenly I see Becky and Cody playing with a beachball

I didn't think she would be here of all places

I thought she hated the beach.... .-.

I walk over to them, dragging Camila who didn't look very happy for some weird reason.

Yo Cody, Becky.

Sup? Cody says while Becky just nods, surprising me.

Great day for a beach trip yeah? I say.

Yeah perfect day says Cody.

Me and Cody talk some more about our new songs.

While Becky and Camila stay silent glaring at eachother for some reason.

Ughhhhhhhhhhh girls....

Then Camila breaks the tension by saying Austin I'm hungry lets go get a hot dog she says in her whining voice.

Fine, I say. I look at Austin and Becky, wanna join us? I ask.

Austin looks like he's about to reply but then Becky interrupts him saying I don't feel good..

Cody looks at her, Wanna go home? He asks.

She nods. Well, I'll see you later bye says cody.

He grabs Becky's hand and they interwine their fingers surprising me and walk off before I could reply.

I'll have to ask becky about that later on watch them walk away and Camila has a little smirk on her face for some reason.

She then grabs my hand, dragging me to the hotdog stand.

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