Chapter 28

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We were on our way to Carie's pack to speak to her alpha. I didn't know what to think at the moment. I felt so many emotions. But most of all, I felt angry. Whenever I felt the urge to shift into my wolf, Carie gave me a worried but firm look not to.

We were walking to her pack house. It was kind of an awkward silence. I didn't know what to say and I'm guessing they didn't either.

I tried to focus on anything else than what I was just told. The only emotion I could let in was anger at the most. I was afraid if I let in sadness that I would break and not be able to get back up.

"We're almost there," Jay said.

"How are you feeling?" Carie asked me.





We arrived at their pack house a short while later. I just wanted answers.... and revenge. Revenge sounds good.

Their pack is pretty small. Only 200 of them. Which means their pack house is small as well.

We walked up to the alpha's office. We walked in and he gave me a warm greeting. He looked maybe in his late 20s.

"You must have many questions, Lexi," he said. "Please, have a seat."

I sat down on a chair next to his desk. I waited for Carie and Jay to sit next to me but they never did.

"We're just going to step out,"said Carie. "We'll be downstairs if you need us, Lexi."

I gave a slight nod. I know they had good intentions but I wish they would stay with me.

Once they left, the alpha cleared his throat. "I'm Arin. I've been the leader of this pack since I was 18. Which means I remember when you were little."

"How do you know me?"

"Every pack in the surrounding area knows you. You're mother made sure of that."

"Before you get me more confused, just start from the beginning. How did my father die?"

A sad look came into his eyes. "Your father was a brave man. He knew the risks. He comes from a special bloodline from hundreds of years ago, the very first werewolves. He was very strong and very powerful. Many packs offered him to become alpha but he refused. He didn't want to have too much attention on him. He eventually met your mother. She also came from a rare bloodline. They came to make you, a werewolf with two strong bloodlines within her. Very powerful, but very dangerous. Your parents found out about this and decided to keep low and banish all ties with other packs, to stay isolated and unknown. It worked up until you were seven. The rouges found your house and broke in. Your mother thought they were after you and hid you. Turns out they were after your father and your mother was too late to save him. The rouges were wrong, though. It wasn't him they were supposed to kill, it was you."

"I... I don't remember any of this."

"Well after your father's death, your mother did everything she could to protect you. She went to each pack and bribed, pleaded to have you a part of their pack. It's never happened in history before, so they were hesitant, but they agreed. You became a part of every single pack within this region. But it was painful. With every pack you became a part of, it became worse but since you were a powerful werewolf they figured you could handle it. I was one of the last packs you went to. Before you came in, you were already crying. When you let in an outsider, you have to grab their forearm and make an oath. Since you were little, we didn't have you do the oath. But I did have to grab your forearm. I hated knowing the fact that you would feel pain. I remember your scream and you passed out from the pain. Your mother looked heartbroken. She told me that so you didn't have to remember the past couple of months, she'd give you a pill that won't erase your memories but fuzz them and the older you got, the more you just forgot about it."

"So that explains why I can't remember that. That also explains why I was able to talk to everyone in mind link. And I guess that also explains this," I said lifting my forearm. "I always thought it was a birthmark, but it's actually a scar..."

"When you joined the rogues, you ended all ties to every pack. And when you left the rogues, they wanted pay back... and so they went to your mother."

"All of this is my fault," I cried.

"It's not," he said.

"What do the rouges want with me?!"

"They want your death because with your death will be unleashed a horrible weapon that the rouges may or may not already have.... Look, this is enough for today. We'll give you a room here to stay as long as you want. I'll have my beta show you."

And as if by magic, a guy came through the door.

"Come with me please," he said.

I got up and began to follow him. "And your name is?" I asked.


"Oh." It was a pretty awkward silence up until he showed me to my room.

"You'll be staying here. If you need anything, just come get me and I'll see what I can do," he said.

"Okay." He left and closed my door. It was an averaged size room with a miniature bathroom connected to it.

I sat down on my bed. I didn't know what to think. My dad died for no reason. My mom did everything she could to protect me and now she's gone. And now I'm here, putting everyone in jeopardy with my presence.

I heard a knock on my door. "Come in," I said.

Carie walked in cautiously. "You okay?"

I was about to nod my head to not worry her, but then I thought, hell no was I okay. I shook my head and began crying. Carie sat next to me and gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry. We should've told you earlier, it's just the more people who knew about it including you, the more dangerous it became," Carie said.

"So you knew about it?"

"Yeah but I couldn't tell you, like I said, it was dangerous."

"Oh really? Look at the crap I've been in! If you would've told me I would've never joined the rouges and they would've never killed my mom!"

"...I was just doing what I was told." And Carie got up and left.

I automatically felt like a bitch when she left. But I didn't feel like going after her to say sorry.

I laid down on my bed and wiped the tears from my face. Now I just gotta wait... but for what?

Then a thought crossed my mind:

I'm alone.


Hey guys! Hope you like the chapter! As you've probably noticed, I changed the cover of the book and now it looks freaking awesome! Much thanks to this_monkeys_on_fire !

You guys are so awesome. I never thought I would have this many reads and I'm so happy that you like my book :D


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