Chapter 16

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Sara's POV

Oh god, it felt so good to be in control for once. I barely had time to rejoice in it. Stupid Lexi ran so far away from the pack house and now I have to run back. It took me thirty minutes. I'd say I have an hour left of the luner eclipse.

I took two steps at a time to Conner's room. I stopped at his door. I think I'm going to have a word with Brad first.

I opened his office door and there he was sitting down by his desk. "Hi Brad!" I did my best Lexi imitation. Oh shit, she wouldn't be this happy to see him. "How's it going?" I mumbled.

"Fine. I've been worried sick about you though. Where did you go?"

I shrugged. "Somewhere peaceful to think."

"What'd you think about?"

This is my chance! "I've been thinking about you. How you've changed. Then about Conner. How he's been changing too. But in a bad way." I needed a way to get Sam without calling him.

"How bad?"

"Does it matter? What I said earlier wasn't true. I do love you Brad."

"Then why—"

"We all make mistakes Brad." He seemed to understand. "Which is why I'm willing to forgive you."

He gave me a hug. "I'll make it up to you, I promise."

He pulled his head back and I kissed him. If I can't call Sam, then maybe I can make Brad lose control over his wolf which will bring Sam to me. Pretty brilliant, huh?

He cleared everything on the desk and pushed me on it. He kissed me fiercely. My hands became tangled in his hair as I pulled him closer to me. His hand rubbed my back. I wrapped my legs around his waist. His hand slipped in my shirt and under my bra. I slightly moaned. I could tell he was close to losing control. That was his problem. The reason why he hurt Lexi in the first place. And right now, that was my one advantage. I took off his shirt and let my hands roam his chest. Then I hear a loud growl. This is it.

Completely the opposite of what I expected to happen happened. Brad's hand closed around my throat.

"What are you doing?" I choked out.

"What the hell is your problem?"


"You know exactly what I'm talking about, Lexi! Are you just using me? Or is this a test?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" His hand closed tightly around my throat.

"Are you sure?" he asked sarcastically. "'Cause I'm pretty sure the Lexi I know doesn't forgive that quickly. Especially how you're about to have sex with me? Something's wrong."

Shit. Think think think! What do I say? "Brad, I've told you I've always loved you." He looked at me fiercely.

Sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t.


Time for plan C. "Sam!" I yelled. "Sam! Come out!"

Brad made a sound as if he couldn't breathe. Then he gasped for breath again. A grin crossed his face. "God, I love you Sara."

"Sam!" He gave me a kiss.

"I've missed you babe."

"I've missed you too." He hugged me. "Listen, I have to talk to you."

"First, I have a question. How did you take control of Lexi so easily?"

"This isn't Lexi's body. It's mine. I got out."

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