Chapter 24 [2.0]

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Percy was kneeling, holding a gorgeous ring in his hand. Annabeth was shell-shocked, staring there, dumbfounded, hand over her mouth, as Percy held out the key to a new stage in their relationship. Waves crashed dramatically in the background.

Annabeth's eyes rimmed with tears, happy ones. It was everything she'd ever dreamed of and more.

"Yes!" She finally cried, as she dove forward, her lips crashing with Percy's. Her lips met with his warm, soft lips, and she relished them.

"I KNEW IT! RACHEL, REYNA, YOU EACH OWE ME FIFTY DRACHMAS!" A voice screamed triumphantly somewhere above them.

Annabeth and Percy broke apart, and turned towards the sound of the gleeful voice. Annabeth let out a cry of laughter.

Thalia was crouched down in a tree above them, next to Rachel. In the trees nearest them, Reyna, Sadie, Nico, Will, Clarisse, and Alex emerged. (Pronouns being she and her.) Annabeth nearly burst out laughing seeing Nico's hair full of small twigs and leaves.

"OHMYGODS can we ever have privacy?!" Annabeth threw her hands up in defeat.


Sadie snorted. "If you really want privacy, get a room." She rolled her eyes, her inner British accent showing.

"I THINK THE LOVEBIRDS NEED TO COOL OFF SOME MORE!" Clarisse screeched, cackling in glee.

Annabeth groaned.

"Not again, Clarisse!" Percy groaned.

Clarisse jumped down from a tree, and everyone followed her.

The daughter of Ares grinned evilly as she hoisted Percy onto her shoulders, with the help of Thalia, who had a sadistic smile on her face, while Rachel and Sadie hoisted Annabeth up, cackling simultaneously in glee.

Annabeth laughed, and grabbed Percy's hand as their friends tossed them into the lake with a loud spalsh!

When the two hit the water, an air bubble appeared over Annabeth's head, just like before, and her lips met Percy's, and she kissed him like it was the first, last, and only time.




Tony opened his eyes, only to find himself back at Morgan's play tent. Sort of.

The dirt and gravel had been replaced with water, and the sky was tinged with pink. The water wasn't deep, and only went to about the height of Tony's ankles.

Frowning, Tony headed towards the house, making small, quiet splashes as he went.

When he arrived at the foot of the stairs, he saw a middle-aged woman, who seemed familiar, although Tony had never seen her before in his life.

The woman turned around, and she had a familiar smile. Her brown eyes sparkled, and her brown hair fell to her shoulder blades.

Something about the woman's composure was familiar, yet Tony couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Hi Dad." The woman gave Tony a small smile.

Suddenly, it hit him. The woman's composure looked almost identical to the way Annabeth carried herself. The brown hair and eyes were from Tony.


"Morgan?" Tony asked, almost afraid to learn the truth.

The woman, Morgan, nodded.

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