Chapter 26

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When the tranquilizer had finally worn off, Annabeth was very, very angry.

She channeled her rage into finding a better way to escape.

After struggling for a few minutes, her bound hands managed to pry the sack off of her face.

Messy, unruly blond locks fell into her face as she investigated her surroundings.

She was bound to a metal chair, her hands and feet bound behind her with duct tape. She was in the back of a van, which was bare, save the chair Annabeth was bound to.

Annabeth managed to bring her hands in front of her, and she searched through her pockets for anything useful.

After fishing through her right pocket, she produced a small Swiss Army knife.

Smiling, she quickly got to work, slowly cutting through the duct tape binding her hands.

A minute later, she began working of her feet, and within the minute, she was standing.

She moved towards the doors, and attempted to open it, but it was locked. Refusing to give up, she stuck her knife into the lock and attempted to pry it open.

No luck.

Before Annabeth had time to ponder her next course of action, the doors sprang open, to reveal thirty girls dressed in silver camouflage.

Annabeth held her knife in front of her, ready to fight if need be.

The girls had hoods on their faces, so it was hard to recognize any of the girls, until Annabeth spotted a silver circlet upon the lead girl's head.

She grinned, and dropped her knife. She crushed the lead girl in a hug and pulled back the hood, revealing the smiling face of Thalia Grace.

"Thalia!" She scolded.

Thalia smirked. "Hey Wise Girl. Sorry about that, we hunters had to have a little fun."

Reyna pulled back her hood, and she smiled. "Are you ready?" She questioned.

Annabeth and Thalia broke apart. "Ready for what?" Annabeth inquired.

Rachel, Clarisse, Sam, Hazel, Sadie, Nat, and Mallory rounded the corner. "Ready for your bachelorette party?!" They all screamed in unison.

Annabeth whirled around to face Thalia. "I knew I shouldn't have made you my maid of honor. You planned this whole thing, didn't you?"

A wide grin spread on Thalia's face. "You know how I do."

"So what do you have planned next?" Annabeth questioned. "You wouldn't have kidnapped me and brought me to... wherever this is.. for no reason... right?"

"You assumed correctly." Thalia said, pulling off her camouflage, revealing a sparkling silver and black pantsuit.

The pantsuit had a deep V-neck, as in, all the way to her waist, managing to show an awful lot of skin.

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