Chapter 2

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When Annabeth came downstairs, she saw Tony and a blond man with an axe, a red-haired woman, a man with a lab coat and glasses, and a muscular blond man.

Tony gestured to Axe-man. "That's Thor."

Annabeth remembered Magnus saying he met Thor on several occasions, and he farted a lot. She tensed her muscles, ready to make a dash for it if she smelled something lethal.

Tony pointed to the red-haired woman. "Natasha Romanoff." She nodded curtly. He pointed to the muscular guy. "Steve Rogers."

Steve held out his hand. Annabeth shook it.

Tony pointed to the last person. "Bruce Banner."

"Hi." Bruce said.

"Now, here's the ground rules. 1, no weapons. 2, don't make Bruce mad. 3, Leave the cookies alone, they're mine. Curfew is 11pm. 5, no secrets. 6, if we tell you to do something, do it. And 7, I'm better than everyone else here, no discussion."

Everyone snorted at the last one, and Natasha rolled her eyes.

"What? It's true!"

Annabeth whispered in Natasha's ear. 'His ego is so huge, I'm surprised he isn't as tall as the Empire State Building!" As in the 600th floor. She added to herself. His ego was big enough to rival Zeus's!

Her lip tugged upwards, but it soured when she remembered Zeus wasn't even there anymore.

"So I have a summer camp in Long Island that I go to every summer. Am I still allowed to go there?"

"Fine." Tony replied. "I enrolled you into Midtown High. You start tomorrow."

"Actually, I wanted to go to Goode."

"Why?" Tony frowned.

"Because my friend goes there."

"Well too bad I already enrolled you at Midtown High, end of discussion!" Tony said, like the decision was actually final.

Annabeth glared at him. "Well too bad, because I am allowed to choose my education!"

Tony snorted. "Who do you think you are, a genius?"

"Actually, I am." Annabeth retorted.

Bruce dived under the table and muttered to himself. "Prepare for the bomb."

Annabeth and Tony glared at each other for several minutes, long enough for the others to get really uncomfortable, until Steve couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay... How about this? Annabeth, you go to Midtown for a month, and then, if you still want to go to Goode, you can." Steve said, in a very ambassador-like voice that was trying to stop two nations from going to war, which was pretty much what was happening.

"Fine." Tony muttered. "But she won't, so win-win for me."

Steve glanced at Annabeth. "Fine."

Bruce cautiously got out from under the table. "Time for dinner!" He said, faking a cheerful tone.

Annabeth picked her fork gingerly at the macaroni. "So, how come your elevators look like the Doors- I mean, the Empire State Building's elevator?"

Tony shrugged. "They looked cool." Annabeth figured he was still miffed about the argument earlier.

Annabeth cleaned her plate off and headed to her room without a word.

She pulled on some pajamas and brushed her teeth, before settling on her beanbag with one of her architecture books.

She flipped through the pages, and stared at one of her favorite pictures, one of the Parthenon. she gazed at it for a few moments, remembering their fight against the giants, when there was a knock at the door. Sighing, she set the book down and called, "Come in."

Tony appeared in the doorway. He ran his hand through his hair and cleared his throat. "Look, I'm sorry I acted like-"

"A jerk." Annabeth supplied.

Tony turned beet red. "I meant-"

"Like a βλάκας."

"A what now?"

"A vlákas. Idiot."

"I am not a- whatever you said. I am a ge-"

"A magnum idiot."

"How do you know all these words that mean idiot?"

"I took Greek and Latin classes."

"I took English."

"You are such a Μεγάλο κεφάλι τράνταγμα."


"Megálo kefáli trántagma."

"Haha seriously."

"A big-headed jerk."

"You're right, I am."

Annabeth snorted.

"Anyways, you were enrolled to Midtown because I thought it would be better for your education." Annabeth could tell that by the tone in his voice he knew somebody there, most likely a student that wouldn't arouse suspicion, that would spy on her.

"You do know I've been offered a full scholarship at a college in Berkeley for next year, which was actually the same college I wanted to go to."

"What about Harvard or Yale?"

Annabeth shrugged. "This college has extra courses you can't find anywhere else."

Tony shrugged. "Suit yourself." He glance at his watch. "It's eleven."

"Good night then." She slipped into the covers and Tony turned off the lights and closed the door behind him.

Annabeth closed her eyes, ready for the tormenting dreams.

She found herself back in the pits of Tartarus, being forced to watch Percy poison Akhlys. "Percy!" She screamed. "Stop!"

But if the son of Poseidon heard her, he didn't comply. Annabeth watched in horror as Akhlys collapsed to the ground...



Tony closed the door to Annabeth's room, and as he was about to get some rest himself, he heard a bloodcurdling scream.

He burst into Annabeth's room, staring in horror as he watched his niece's body thrash, and she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"FRIDAY!" He shouted. "Get the others up here, ASAP!"

FRIDAY's calm voice replied, "Of course, Mr. Stark."

A minute later, Steve, Bruce, Thor, and Nat came rushing in.

Thor stared at Annabeth in horror. He muttered something to himself that Tony didn't catch, except for one word, "Flashbacks."

Nat raced over and shook Annabeth, trying to wake her.

Bruce turned to Thor. "Could you do a slight jolt of lightning to her chest?"

Thor nodded, and his fingertips sparked with electricity. He touched them to her chest, and her body jolted, and her startling grey eyes snapped open.

"What?" She demanded, when she realized she had an audience. "I can't sleep with you watching me?"

"You were screaming and thrashing." Steve said.

Annabeth shrugged. "Are nightmares not a thing anymore?" But Tony could tell by the troubled look in her eyes that it was more than a nightmare.

Surprisingly, Thor jumped in. "When I was little, it happened all the time. It's a perfectly normal response to being overwhelmed by my presence. Like the time Tony had a nightmare and screamed his head off."

Tony's face flushed beet red. "Erm, we should get some rest." He said, over all the snickering. He exited the room, followed by Nat, Bruce, and Steve. Thor, however, remained in her room, probably going to tell her about more of his embarrassing moments. Shrugging, Tony headed to his room.


Annabeth watched as everyone filed out of her room, and Thor closed the door.

"So, you're that Thor." She said.

He nodded, as he morphed into a fat, red-haired man with a large hammer, and promptly farted. Annabeth pinched her nose as the smell wafted through the room.

Annabeth couldn't help but say, "Magnus said you're dumb."

Thor shrugged. "It's so they think the Avengers' Thor is different.. I'm kind of not supposed to be here."

"Thanks for the save back there."

Thor shrugged. "If they had dug deeper, both our covers would have been blown. Anyways, were they Tartarus flashbacks?"

Annabeth nodded, her face turning pale.

"Let's just hope they bought the lie, and they would probably get suspicious if they found out about your PTSD."

"Shh!" Annabeth scolded. "They could be listening."

"Anyways, I should probably go. See you tomorrow." He said, changing his form to the Avengers' Thor. He closed the door behind him, and Annabeth climbed back into bed and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Annabeth dressed quickly and put all her school books in her backpack. She walked into the kitchen and saw Steve, Tony, and Natasha all frowning with their arms crossed, blocking Annabeth's way.

"Um, good morning?" Annabeth asked, raising her eyebrows.

"We need to talk." Tony ordered.


"Your PTSD." Natasha replied.

Annabeth Chase and the AvengersΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα