Chapter 14

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The Avengers strode confidently and determinedly in their new suits towards the Quantum Platform, with Steve at the head.

"Five years ago we lost," Steve said. "All of us. We lost friends, we lost family, we lost a part of us. Today we have a chance to take it all back. Know your teams, and know your missions. Get the Stones, get them back." 

When the stepped onto the platform, they all put their hands together. "One round trip each, no mistakes." Steve said. "No do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know, but, that doesn't mean you should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives. And we're going to win." He turned to meet Tony's steady gaze. "Whatever it takes. Good luck."

Rocket turned to look at Scott. "He's pretty good there." 

"Right?" Scott said in agreement. 

"Alright, good man, flip those keys Jolly Green." Tony called to Hulk. 

Clint opened his palm, staring at the shrunk Benatar

"You promise to bring that in one piece, right?" Rocket asked.

"Yeah yeah yeah." Clint dismissed Rocket's words. "I'll-- do my best." 

Hulk slapped his wrist band, which made a little chime.

 "See ya in a minute." Nat said, flashing a smile at Steve.

Annabeth gripped Percy's hand tightly. The son of Poseidon gave her a quick peck on the lips, before breaking away.

The machine they stood on whirred to life, and everyone's masks flipped on.

The platform below them opened into the Quantum Realm, and the Avengers disappeared.

The Avengers flew through various tunnels, together as one, before Steve, Hulk, Scott, and Tony split off, heading to New York, whilst Thor and Rocket headed to Asgard, and the rest headed to Morag.



New York, 2012

Tony, Hulk, Scott, and Steve popped into existence, and their time-travel suits retracted. Chitauri flew overhead, and if Tony squinted, he could just make out the younger versions of himself, Steve, Hulk, Nat, Thor, and Clint, all standing back-to-back in a circle. Nat was reloading her pistol, and Cap readied his shield. They all stared up at the sky, staring at the destruction the aliens had caused.

"Alright, we have our assignments." Steve said. "Two stones uptown, one stone down. Stay low, keep an eye on the clock." 

A loud roar cut through whatever Steve had said next, and the four spun around to see the younger Hulk roar and smash an alien flat with a broken car. There was another alien approaching, but as soon as they saw the destruction the green giant had left, then started off back in the direction they had come from.

The young Hulk then proceeded to jump up and down repeatedly on the crushed car, before grunting angrily and charging off.

"That's what the Percy Jackson movies did to my eyes." Tony whispered in shocked awe. "My eyes being the car, and the motion pictures being the Hulk."*

Hulk buried his face in his hand in embarrassment.  

Steve slowly turned to Hulk, his reflexes slow from shock. "Maybe smash a few things along the way."

"I think no one's going to notice but whatever." Hulk said, ripping his shirt to shreds. His muscles twitched as he growled halfheartedly. "Raahh." He said unenthusiastically as he gently smashed the hood of a taxi cab.

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