Chapter 12

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When the Benatar landed, Percy, Hulk, Rocket, and Annabeth boarded a truck heading to New Asgard.

The truck passed a sign labeled: "Welcome to New Asgard. Please drive slowly." Underneath, was a smaller sign that said, "Velkommen til Tønsberg."

New Asgard was a small fishing village, and the architecture was consistent with other Norwegian structures.

The truck rolled to a stop, and everyone hopped out.

"Kind of a step down from golden palaces and the magic hammers and whatnot." Rocket said sarcastically.

Internally, although Annabeth would never admit it, she agreed. She sighed wistfully, wishing she could've seen the architecture of the former Asgard.

"Hey, have a little compassion pal!" Hulk said indignantly. "First they lost Asgard and half their people. They're probably just happy to have a home."

"He's right, you know." Percy reasoned.

"You shouldn't have come." Said an unfamiliar feminine voice. The four spun around, and Hulk grinned.

"Ahhhh.. Valkyrie. Great to see you angry girl." Hulk greeted.

"I think I like you better in either of the other ways." Valkyrie commented.

"This is Rocket." Hulk ignored Valkyrie's comment and gestured to the raccoon, who was leaning against a pile of rigging.

"How ya doing?" Rocket greeted.

"And this is Percy.. and Annabeth."

"Hi." Percy said.

"Pleased to meet you." Annabeth waved.

Valkyrie's eyes darted between the four, in deep thought. "He won't see you." Valkryie said.

"Uh huh." Hulk said, unconvinced.

"We only see him once a month when he comes in for.." She turned to look at a large stash of beer, ale, and other alcohols. "Supplies."

Hulk winced at the sight. "It's that bad."

"Yeah." Valkyrie said exasperatedly.

A few minutes later, they were standing outside of a cabin. Rocket knocked on the wooden door.


The four glanced at each other, before Rocket knocked again.

The door opened, and the four glanced around the entryway in disgust. The cabin was extremely messy, like Percy's cabin when he hadn't cleaned it in a month.

She pointed this out to Percy, who said "Hey!" indignantly.

"What the--" Rocket glanced around the cabin. Simultaneously, the four caught a strong whiff of beer, month-old pizza, and man-germs. "Whew!" Rocket exclaimed. "Something died in here!"

"Hello?!" Hulk called out. "Thor?!"

"Ah, are you here about the cable? The cinemax went out two weeks ago.. Sports are all kinda fuzzy.." Thor's voice emanated from the back room. The four leaned into the back room, just in time to see Thor, shirtless, with a large potbellly; swipe a beer from a blue, white, and red checkered bowl filled with ice cubes and beer bottles.

"Thor?" Hulk asked incredulously.

Thor turned around slowly, and they just stared.

"Bruce!! Oh my god!" He gave Hulk a big hug. "It's so good to see you!" He exclaimed, before turning to Rocket. "Come 'ere little rascal!" He squeezed the raccoon, ruffling his head.

Annabeth Chase and the Avengersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें