Chapter 21

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As Thanos loomed over her, Annabeth saw her life flash before her eyes in a matter of moments.

Running away from her home in Virginia.

Finding Thalia and Luke.

Luke giving her the dagger.

Thalia turned into a pine tree as she sacrificed herself for Luke and Annabeth.

Meeting Percy.

Their quest to the Underworld.

Saving Clarisse and Grover in the Sea of Monsters. 

Saving the di Angelos at Westover Hall.

Holding the weight of the sky.

Getting her own quest.

Rachel hitting Luke/Kronos in the eye with her blue hairbrush.

Daedalus giving her his laptop.

His final stand.

Percy breaking the news that Charles was dead. 

Getting stabbed on the Williamsburg Bridge.

Begging Percy to give Luke her knife.

Luke sacrificing himself to destroy Kronos.

Percy declining immortality.

The underwater kiss.

Two months of dating Percy.

Hera taking Percy away.

Finding Jason, Piper, and Leo.

Six months tirelessly trying to find her boyfriend.

Finally reuniting with Percy at Camp Jupiter.

Traveling aboard the Argo II.

Following the Mark of Athena.

Falling with Percy into Tartarus.

Bob and Damasen sacrificing themselves to close the Doors.

Fighting the Giants at the Parthenon.

Reyna, Nico, and Gleeson bringing the Athena Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood.

Defeating Gaea. 

Leo dying in an explosion. 

Leo coming back with Calypso. 

Going back home to California.. just in time to see her family turn to dust.

Tony adopting her. 

Stowing away on the Benatar, and helping Thor kill Thanos.

Being initiated as an Avenger.

Going to college in New Rome with Percy.

Taking on full Avenger duties alongside Percy and Nat.

The Time Heist.

Bruce snapping everyone back.

The armies of various pantheons, united with Wakanda and the Avengers.

All this flashed in the back of Annabeth's eyelids in a matter of seconds.

And then there were the things she would never do.

Honoring Piper by giving her a burial shroud.

Being reunited once more with her family and friends.

Marrying Percy.

Having children with him.

Growing old together.

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