Chapter 5

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After dropping Percy back off at his house, Annabeth drove back to the Avengers compound. Just as she pulled in, she saw Tony tapping his foot impatiently in the driveway. "You missed dinner." He said impatiently.

Annabeth shrugged. "I'm not hungry." She said, as she got out of the car.

Tony frowned and looked down at her leg. "What the hell is that?" He asked.

Annabeth frowned, and looked down at her leg. Dried blood covered a large portion of her leg. "Oh, I almost forgot about that."

"You what?!" Tony shrieked. "How the hell did that happen?"

"Dog bite." Annabeth shrugged. "It's not that bad."

"A dog did that?" Tony asked. "That thing must've been huge."

Annabeth shrugged. "Some kid at school had one. I'll go upstairs and clean it up." She pushed past Tony and hurried into the house.

Annabeth closed the bathroom door and grabbed a bottle of alcohol* from the medicine cabinet. She poured it over the dried blood, and let it sink into the wound. She let out a small hiss as the alcohol burned through the wound. She grabbed some surgical tape and closed up the wound. She took a quick shower and put baggy pants and a comfy t-shirt that Leo had given her, that said "My cohort went to New Rome and all I got was this t-shirt."**

Annabeth frowned as she looked at the wording of the shirt.

She yanked her shirt off and grabbed a sharpie and added a "dam" in between "this" and "t-shirt"***. She grinned and put the shirt back on.

She opened the bathroom door and saw Tony leaning in the doorway. He straightened when he saw his niece leave the bathroom.

He frowned at her shirt. "What-"

"Hoover Dam. A friend made a joke about the dam snack bar." Annabeth explained in a rush.

The corner of Tony's lip tugged upwards. He cleared his throat. "Anyways, Nat, Thor, Cap, Bruce, and I are leaving for a day or two." ****

Annabeth frowned. "Where to?"

"Business stuff." Tony said hastily. Annabeth's mental gears started turning. Judging by his hastiness to reply, he wasn't really going on a business trip. Annabeth raised an eyebrow. "Okay. And I'm not even going to assume that I'll be left alone."

"No." Tony said. "My fiance, Pepper, will be here tonight to watch you."

"You mean babysit." Annabeth corrected.

"Yeah, that's what I- Hey!" He shouted.

Annabeth smirked. "I was right, wasn't I?"

Tony's lips widened into a grin. "Yeah... I guess you were."

The daughter of Athena cocked her head to the side. "You guess?" She snorted. "I'm always right. That's why my nickname's Wise Girl."

Tony laughed. "Guess your friends are good at nicknaming. Maybe I'll get to meet them sometime." He narrowed his eyes at her. "You better not be hanging around with gangsters."

Annabeth laughed, hard, and loud. "Gangsters?" She snorted. "As if."

Tony turned around and walked toward the doorway, but then paused, and swiveled his head around. "Just be careful, kid. No more dog bites."

"No more dog bites." Annabeth echoed.

Tony gave a small smile, then turned around and shut the door.



After Tony left Annabeth's room, he went downstairs into the living room, where Nat, Cap, Thor, Bruce, Nebula, Rhodey, Carol Danvers, and the raccoon were waiting.

Tony ran his hand through his hair. "Annabeth's in her room. I told her we're leaving. We'll go as soon as Pepper gets here."

Carol stood up from the barstool she was sitting on. "Your kid'll be fine. We're going to kill Thanos now."

"I don't know if that's the best idea." Cap said. "I mean, we're supposed to protect innocents. Annabeth might be kidnapped while we're away by one of Tony's enemies." He glared accusingly at Tony. "Since somebody had the bright idea of revealing his identity to the world."

Tony shrugged. "Yeah, but, I did, because I'm awesome, so, ha, in your face."

Nat and Rhodey slapped their forehead simultaneously.

Bruce piped up nervously. "Um, Tony, your ego is the last thing we need to worry about right now, so can we save it for later, please?"

"He's right, ya' know." The raccoon said. "We've got enough on our plate without your stupid ego."

Tony stared at the raccoon. "I still have no idea why this raccoon is talking."

"My name is Rocket!" The raccoon snapped.

Tony snorted. Like he had any intention of calling him that.

Just then, the front door burst open. Pepper's blond hair popped into view. "Sorry I'm late!" She called. "I had a pretty short notice!"

"It's cool." Cap said.

Pepper set down the black duffel bag in her arm, and sighed. "Where's your niece, Tony?"

"She's upstairs, probably sleeping. She was just getting ready for bed a few minutes ago." Tony replied.

"Okay then." Pepper picked up her bag and bounded up the stairs. "I'll grab the room next to her."

Carol clapped her hands. "Enough chit-chat. Let's go kill Thanos."

"I'm with ya'." The raccoon said, and he jumped up from his seat, and locked and loaded his gun.

"Alright then." Cap said, giving everybody a serious look. "Let's go get this son of a bi***."

They all gave one another serious looks for a moment, before Tony couldn't hold it in anymore, and he burst out, "LANGUAGE, Cap, LANGUAGE!"

Everybody whirled around to glare at Tony.

"Really?" Nat asked.

Tony shrugged. "Someone had to say it, and Cap obviously wasn't going to."

Everybody except Carol laughed, and they all boarded the Benatar.

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