Chapter 16

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After Percy and Nat had pulled Annabeth to safety, there was a boom, and a clap of thunder. A flash of light, and the trio's vision turned black.

Annabeth opened her eyes. She was lying on her back, in water.

She struggled to her feet, numb with grief over the fallen hero. 

She stared at her surroundings. It seemed to be an endless surface of water, about two inches in depth. She saw Nat and Percy lying in the water several feet away.

Could they be...

No. Annabeth pushed the thought away. She refused to believe that. Not after what Clint did for them.

She rushed over towards the two. "Nat?" She called, shaking the assassin's arm. Nat groaned, and Annabeth let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding.  

She turned over to Percy, entangling her fingers in her boyfriend's wavy black hair. "Percy?" She gave him a gentle shake. Immediately, Percy stirred, and sat up. "What happened? Where are we?" The last thing I remember.. Clint." His sea-green eyes dimmed in sorrow. "He-- he's gone."

Annabeth frowned. There was a yellow glow all around the son of Poseidon. "Percy?" She asked uncertainly. 

Percy looked down and realized he was glowing. "Oh, um, I didn't do it."

"Check your pockets." Nat suggested.

Percy pulled out Riptide from his right pocket, before slipping it back inside. In his left pocket, was a glowing yellow stone.

"The Soul Stone." Annabeth breathed. 

"We got it." Nat whispered.

Another 'boom!' and they were back at the cliff.

"You now have the Soul Stone within your possession." Red Skull mused. "For a moment there, I thought you wouldn't be able to do what was necessary. Congratulations. You have earned your prize."

Annabeth, Percy, and Nat ignored him, and headed back to the Benatar. Annabeth shrank the ship, and the three exchanged a curt nod. They pushed the button on their wrists, and they were whisked through the Quantum Realm, back to the present.


The machine whirred to a stop, and everyone's suits disappeared. 

"Did we get them all?" Hulk asked.

Rhodey had a large smile on his face, and he laughed. "You telling me this actually worked?" He held a ball in his hand. The Power Stone, Annabeth assumed.

Nat let out a small sob. All eyes turned to her.

"Nat, Annabeth, Percy, where's Clint?" Hulk asked, panic rising in his voice.

Tears welled in the trio's eyes. Percy opened his mouth to try to speak, but no words came out. The Avengers all realized what had happened, and they all bowed their heads. 



Steve and Tony were grieving on a small dock behind the compound. "Do you know if he had any family? Besides Laura and the kids?" Tony asked.

"Yeah." Cap wiped away tears. "Us."

Thor came onto the dock. "Why are you acting like he's dead? He's not dead, we have the Stones, right? As long as we have the Stones Cap, we can bring him back."

"We can't get him back." Annabeth said. "It can't be undone."   

"This is space magic we're talking about!" Thor snapped. "Not godly magic! You're out of your league here! You don't know!" 

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