Chapter 20

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All he felt was rage.

He charged the man who'd killed the love of his life, with Frank, Hazel, and Leo alongside him, all of them thirsty for Thanos' blood.

Jason swung his gladius, which missed Thanos by a centimeter, while Leo lobbed a fireball, which caught the tip of Thanos' broken sword. The same weapon that had killed Piper. The blade turned to molten lava, and the lava slowly dripped down. Frank the eagle scored his claws down Thanos' face, leaving scarlet red. 

Hazel summoned the gems in the earth to form a lasso out of precious metals, and she looped it around Thanos' neck, pinning him down.

Thanos let out a roar and desperately tried to break free. Jason pointed the tip of his gladius at Thanos' throat. Anger laced Jason's vision, making the edges of his vision red.

Frank shifted back to human, and he drew back his bow. Hazel held fast on the lasso, her feet digging into the ground. Thanos started struggling more, and Hazel's grip slackened.

"Leo!" Jason shouted. 

The son of Hephaestus rushed forwards and helped Hazel hold onto the lasso.

"I would love to kill you where you stand." Jason said, venom laced in his tone. "But, the battle must end first. Call off your army." He spat.

Carol had nearly reached the van, and Thanos saw her. He turned back to the demigods. "Never." He spat. Struggling, he managed to launch his sword towards Carol.

"Frank!" Jason shouted. "Go! We'll hold him!"

Frank took off, turning into a falcon. Jason watched as Frank's talons sliced through the air, speeding towards the sword. He wasn't going to make it.

Jason called upon the winds, and sent Frank a gusty breeze, helping to speed his way.

The sword was going too quickly.

"Frank!" Jason managed to shout. "You won't--" He was cut off, as the sword lodged itself in the van, and neon energy exploded. 

Jason was thrown back, and it took a moment before his eyes adjusted to the brightness. He sat up, groggily, glancing around. Hazel and Leo were unconscious, lying in the dirt and rubble a hundred feet away. 

Thanos was gone.

"Schist!" Jason cursed, along with a few lines that shouldn't be repeated in Latin. He saw Carol, struggling to her feet. Frank lay motionless near the van's wreckage, in human form.

Jason wanted to check on his friend, but he had more pressing matters to attend to. The Gauntlet lay three hundred feet away, unguarded.

He dashed for it, and he saw Tony and Thanos running towards it as well. Tony collided into Thanos, and Tony punched Thanos, but he shoved Tony away, sending him colliding into the ground. Jason poured on the speed, readying his gladius

Jason's heart pounded as Thanos bent down to pick up the Gauntlet, but Thor landed to the ground and swung Stormbreaker. Jason was five feet away from the two, and he sidestepped them, and grabbed the Gauntlet. 

He swerved past Thor, who had Mjolnir and Stormbreaker in an X and was struggling to keep Thanos from pressing the weapons into his chest. As soon as Jason was clear of the two, he sped towards the ruined van.

"Hey guys! The van's destroyed! I have the Gauntlet, what should I do? Also, Thor's in trouble!" Jason shouted breathlessly through the comms.

"On my way!" Cap shouted.

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