Chapter 25

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After the fourth wall had been repaired, Annabeth immediately started on her wedding preparations.

The Aphrodite cabin had been more than eager to help her, so here she was, next to Percy, surrounded by Cabin 10 and the children of Venus.

"--Right, now that we've got the guest list finished, where should the venue be?" Annabeth asked Percy.

Percy shrugged. "How about the lake?"

Annabeth smiled. "Underwater kiss 3.0??" She inquired, a smile tugging at her lips.

Percy grinned. "Why not?"

The love children squealed in unison. Lacy put her hand over her heart. "I.. can't... It's too beautiful.. PERCABETH!" She squealed.

The rest of the cabin took up the cheer. "PERCABETH!"

Annabeth cleared her throat. "Now all we have to do is choose the decor and decide who the flower girls, ring bearer, usher, bridesmaids, groomsmen, best man, and maid of honor should be."

"I think Estelle, Lila and Morgan should be the flower girls." Percy said. "I know Lila's a bit old for that, but still."

Annabeth smiled. "Yeah, they should be the flower girls. Nathaniel could be the ring bearer." She added. "Oh! Cooper could be the usher, and Tyson too!"

"Now we just have the bridesmaids, groomsmen, best man, and maid of honor left." Percy concluded.

Annabeth bit her lip. "I think Thalia should be the maid of honor." She turned to Percy. "Who are you going to pick as your best man?"

Percy shrugged. "Am I allowed to pick two?"

Annabeth nodded. "It's pretty common to have multiple best men."

"Then Grover and Jason will be my best men. My groomsmen can be Carter, Magnus, Leo, Apollo, and Thor."

Annabeth raised an eyebrow. "You sure you want Thor and Apollo?"

Percy shrugged. "Apollo will insist on being a part of the wedding, it's a lesser evil for him to be a groomsman than in charge of the band." He shuddered.

Annabeth winced. "Good point. And Thor?"

"I mean, we were pretty close, and we'd meet up a lot, whenever I didn't have lessons, and Thor had some free time."

Annabeth shrugged. "Now just the bridesmaids." She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "How about Reyna, Hazel, Sadie, Rachel, Mallory, and Clarisse."

Percy grinned. "--Are you--"

"---Going to make Clarisse wear a dress? Heck yes." Annabeth smirked at the thought of the daughter of the war god in a frilly bridesmaid dress.

"AHHH YES I'LL BE SURE TO GRAB MY CAMERA!" Percy screamed, bouncing on his toes for a few moments, before dashing off.

Annabeth snickered. "He's going get himself killed before the wedding." She muttered to herself.

The Aphrodite children had dispersed by now, leaving Annabeth alone with Hestia by the campfire.

"Hello Aunt Hestia." Annabeth said, acknowledging the goddess.

Hestia gave a little smile. "Hello child. I offer my congratulations."

Annabeth smiled. "Thank you. How is Olympus?"

Hestia tilted her head slightly. "Zeus and Hera have reclaimed their throne, if that is what you are referring to. Poseidon has returned to the ocean, and Hades reigns over the Underworld once more."

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