Chapter 27

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When Jason and Grover appeared in front of the Poseidon cabin that evening with matching grins on their faces, Percy knew he was in for a rough night.

Jason wore a sky blue tuxedo, while Grover wore a light brown tux.

Percy raised an eyebrow. "What's up with the tuxes?"

Jason rolled his eyes. "Your bachelor party, obviously."

Percy felt like this should be an exciting moment but all he could feel was dread. "What in the Hades do you guys have planned?"

A wide grin spread across Jason's face. "You're about to find out." He said, before Grover ran him through with a spear. Blood gushed from the wound, and spurted out all over Jason's brand-new tux, and spattering Percy's face.

Haha just kidding. (Did you get The Burning Maze vibes??🤔)

Grover grabbed Percy's left hand, while Jason grabbed his right, and the two dragged him out towards the beach.

When they arrived, Carter, Magnus, Leo, Nico, Will, Apollo, and Thor were waiting.

Will and Apollo wore matching yellow suits, while Nico wore all black as he clung to his boyfriend. Leo wore an orange tux, and was fingering the collar uncomfortably. Carter had a maroon suit, and Thor just wore his regular armor.

Thor squealed as the three approached, and bounced up and down. "OHMYGODS I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M GOING TO BE ONE OF PERCY JACKSON'S GROOMSMEN AHHHHHH!"

Percy leaned away slightly from the fangod, as if fangirling might be contagious.

"Why the heck are you fangirling so much?" Percy asked quizzically.

Thor shrugged. "The author is a jackass who can't write me properly."

Percy heard a crash somewhere behind him.

Apollo sighed. "There goes the fourth wall."

Percy opened his mouth to say something, but then snapped it shut. "Forget it."


Everyone let out wild screams.

"HECK YES LET'S DO THIS!" Apollo shouted. He cleared his throat. "I prepared a special haiku for the occasion!"

Everyone dived for Apollo, intending to strangle him, but Apollo was able to say the whole wreck-- err, poem.

"Percy's Bachelor Party is cool.
I am the coolest of them all.
I am so awesome."

As soon as the seventeenth syllable had left his mouth, everyone strangled him at once.

That was the not-so-unfortunate end of Apollo, god of Archery, the Sun, Prophecy, Healing, Truth, Poetry, Light, Music, Dance, and various other things, possibly including basket-weaving. (Percy Jackson's Greek Gods, anyone??)

Once the demigods (and Fangod) had buried the body, they headed back to the beach.

"Right, now that the body's buried, let's have some real fun." Percy decided, and they put the matter of the dead sun god behind them.


The next few weeks flew by in a blur. Before Percy knew it, it was his wedding day. Annabeth had stayed at the rebuilt Avengers compound, whilst Percy stayed at their apartment in New Rome.

Percy wore a sea-green tux, and a hug smile on his face. He hadn't been allowed to see Annabeth's dress, so he was intrigued, to say the least.

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