Chapter 15

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Third-person view

New York, 2012

"Tony, what's going on?" Steve demanded, as he sped down the hallway with the scepter in hand. He glanced behind him. "Tell me you found that cube." He stopped to a dead halt. "Oh, you gotta be shitting me."

In front of him stood Past-Steve.

Past-Steve turned on his comms. "I have eyes on Loki. 14th floor."

"I'm not Loki." Present-Steve insisted. He set the case down. "I don't want to hurt you." 

Past-Steve charged towards Present-Steve, and their shields clashed together in midair. Sparks flew from the connection. Past-Steve roundhouse-kicked Present-Steve so hard it would've made Coach Hedge proud.

Present-Steve flew back ten feet. "I can do this all day." Past-Steve said.

"I know," Present-Steve grumbled. "I know." 

Both Steve flung their shields at one another, and they clashed against one another, and they both flew off the narrow bridge. Both Steves charged towards one another, and exchanged furious blows. knocking the briefcase containing the scepter off the bridge and down several floors below them.

The two knocked each other off the bridge, and they crashed down to the floor below. Present-Steve's image of Peggy skittered away from him, and Past-Steve picked it up. Past-Steve glared at Present-Steve, holding up the picture. "Why did you pick this?"

The two stumbled to their feet. Present-Steve made a mad dash for the scepter, but Past-Steve wrapped himself around Present-Steve's neck and tripped him. The two tussled on the floor, with Present-Steve still trying not to fight his past-self, and focusing more on grabbing the scepter.

"Steve... Bucky... is... alive!" Present-Steve choked, as he struggled to say the words he knew would make his past-self stop dead in his tracks.

Past-Steve released Present-Steve from the chokehold, and stared at him numbly. Present-Steve elbowed his past-self in the face, who lunged for Present-Steve. Present-Steve touched the tip of the scepter to Past-Steve, knocking him out.

Past-Steve fell to the ground with a thud.

Present-Steve picked up his image of Peggy, as he rose to his feet. He stared at his past-self for a few moments, before admitting, "That is America's ass." 


Third person view

The Sanctum, New York, 2012

"I can't give you the Stone." The Ancient One said firmly.

"But then why did Strange give it away?" Bruce asked.

The Ancient One froze. "What did you say?"

"Strange, he gave it away, he gave it to Thanos."

"Why?" The Ancient One asked, puzzled.

"I have no idea, maybe he made a mistake." Bruce rambled.

"Or I did." The Ancient One whispered to herself. She held out her hand, and brought the Hulk to them, and then merged Bruce with Hulk. She then opened the amulet, revealing the glowing green Time Stone.

She held out the stone to Hulk. "Strange was meant to be the best of us."

"So he must've done it for a reason." Hulk said, understanding.

"I fear you might be right." The Ancient One said, before placing the glowing stone in Hulk's large green hand. She turned to meet his gaze. "I'm counting on you Bruce."

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