Chapter 8

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After the shrouds had been burned, Annabeth stared blankly at the campfire, the smell of Cherry Kool-Aid still lingering in the air.

Percy, Hazel, Jason, and Frank were next to her, their hands all interlocked. The remaining demigods from the Prophecy of Seven, now whittled down to five.

Since the Snap, Annabeth had been so busy, trying to keep her bloodline a secret from the Avengers, that she hadn't had time to properly grieve, until now.

Memories and images flashed by in her mind, and this time, Annabeth didn't try to stop them.

Watching "Roman Holiday" with her father.

Building a replica of the Parthenon out of LEGOS with her brothers.

Designing the Argo II with Leo.

Her and Piper's running joke of stealing one another's breakfast.

Trying to bake cookies with her stepmother, but all they'd accomplished was burning them to a crisp.

Harley obsessively asking her on her input for the best death traps.

Finding innocent little Nico with his sister, Bianca, at Westover Hall.

Will and Nico blushing at each other furiously.

And so many more.

Annabeth's phone rang, causing all the campers around her to jump.

Annabeth cursed. Every monster in the area was probably after them now. "Sorry." She glanced at the caller ID. "It's my jerk uncle."

Annabeth picked up the phone, and jogged over to the empty strawberry fields.

"Annabeth!" Tony screamed through the phone, piercing Annabeth's ears, despite the phone not being on speakerphone.

"What?" Annabeth said in exasperation.

"Don't you use that tone with me!" Tony threatened.

"Or what? You'll ground me?"

"Yeah!" Tony blustered. "And I'll take away your phone privileges."

"Go right ahead then." Annabeth snapped.

Tony was silent, probably taken aback. "Then I'll do that, once you get back. I'm tired of you rushing off, young lady!"

"Well what am I supposed to do then? Self-quarantine myself?" Annabeth retorted.

"Can't you just invite your friends here?" Tony asked.

"Fine." Annabeth sighed. "But you still can't stop me from leaving the house."

"Watch me." Tony snapped, hanging up the phone.

Annabeth sighed, and turned back to Percy, who had followed her. "I have to go back."

"Then I'm coming with you." Percy said determinedly.

Annabeth kissed him, a quick peck on the cheek. "Let's go."



Annabeth had just pulled into the driveway, much to Tony's relief.

Unfortunately, she wasn't alone. There was a boy, about the same age as Annabeth. He had wavy black hair and sea-green eyes.

Tony immediately hated him.

"Who is this?" Tony demanded.

"That's Percy Jackson, my boyfriend." Annabeth replied despondently.

Annabeth Chase and the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now