Chapter 18

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 As one, the army let out a guttural cry and charged, their ranks flooding through the portals, weapons ready for blood. 

Thanos merely laughed. 

And laughed.

Surprised, the army froze, even the gods. Artemis' striking gaze narrowed. The demigods shifted uncomfortably. The Wakandan army stopped in its tracks.

Annabeth frowned. Something was missing, a large piece of the puzzle.

"You think that you're the only one with gods on your side." Thanos spat. "Laughable. My future self was wise, oh so wise indeed. He knew at some point, the gods would find a way around the Ancient Laws, and he needed gods of his own for when the time came." He snapped his fingers, and an attendant came out of the thick of the army. 

"M'lord?" He inquired.

"Bring them." Thanos ordered.

The servant nodded, and disappeared.

Moments later, familiar foes appeared. Oceanus, Krios, Coeus, Hyperion, Polybotes, Porphyrion, Otis, Ephialtes, Preiboia, Mimas, Clytius, Enceladus, and Hippolytus. And the last person... 

It was Luke.

"LUKE?!" Annabeth screamed. 

Luke gave the daughter of Athena a small smirk, his eyes blue, not gold. "Long time no see, daughter of Athena." 

"Luke, come back!" Percy shouted.

Luke shook his head, chuckling. "Luke Castellan is no more. I am Kronos." He spat.

Luke, no, Kronos, stood tall and terrible, looming over the other Titans. Kronos brought out his scythe, and whirled it around in his hands a couple times. 

"How are you even alive?" Percy demanded. 

Kronos smirked. "You underestimate the power of the Infinity Stones. My brethren and I have waited five years, biding our time, waiting.. for this moment." His eyes narrowed at the son of Poseidon. "We will not make the same mistakes we made before." He assured them.

The missing puzzle piece clicked. "Blood of mine." Annabeth realized. She turned to Thanos. "Thanos comes from Thanatos. You're descended from the god of death."

"All of Titan was descended from Death." Thanos said dismissively. "I am merely a legacy." His eyes narrowed. "Which means I know all of your tricks, demigod." He snarled.

"You monster!" Annabeth spat. "You killed your relatives, all for your psychotic--"

"Enough!" Thanos spat. "The time for talk is over!" He turned to his army, and lifted his dual-bladed sword in the air. "Attack!" He snarled.

A tsunami of monsters rushed forwards, and the demigods, magicians, enherjar, Masters of the Mystic Arts, Wakandans, Asgardians, Olympians, and Avengers charged in defiance, ready to meet the monsters, and began fighting for their lives. 

Everything happened so quickly even Annabeth's ADHD couldn't keep up. 

The gods' chariots disappeared, and the skies rumbled. Thor and Jupiter called a massive thunderbolt to their side, and brought down their wrath, each thunderbolt striking a whole brigade of monsters. The archer gods were shooting arrows left and right, while Aphrodite sent doves to flutter in the monster's faces, blinding them, and giving Mars easy victims. 

The Magicians and Masters of the Mystic arts shouted various spells, some exploding monsters, and some shielding others. A large, blue, glowing avatar, Horus, Annabeth recognized, from the battle with Setne; charged alongside Ant-Man, as they grabbed two Chitauri each, and smashed them together. 

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