All I need

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I kissed Paige goodbye and felt only a little spark when our lips touched. No, this is crazy, I don't love Alison because she'll never love me. Saying that to myself only hurt me more. I pushed my feelings down and smiled at Alison, "should we go to your place?"
"Of course, my lady" she winked and held her arm out for me to grab. I smiled shyly and held on to her as we walked back to her place.
"Do I look more tan?" I asked hopefully and Alison looked at me.
"You're crazy, of course you do! Not that you needed to anyways." She shoved me playfully but I felt electricity shiver through my body from her touch. Was I ever going to get over this?

We arrived at her house quicker than usual. "I'll grab my stuff at home and then I'll be right back." I informed her as she unlocked her door.
"Don't take too long." Was all she said as she closed the door.

I hurried to my house and was shocked to see Paige standing outside.
"Uh hey Paige, what are you doing here?"
"I love you Emily, I realized that I can't live or function without you and so-" she paused taking in a deep breath, "can we stop fighting and act like I don't know like we're actually a couple. I mean, we have been together for five months now."
I was shocked. My first reaction was thinking of Alison but then I realized we would never have a chance and I did like Paige. Maybe I didn't love her, but that would come later.
"I-uh-I." I stammered and decided it would be better if I just kissed her. I ran into her arms and firmly pressed my lips against hers.
"I'll take that as a yes" Paige smiled happily and kissed me again.
"Yes!" I hugged her and then remembered what I came here for. "I'm staying the night at Alison's, but I'll see you tomorrow." I kissed her cheek and headed inside.

I knocked on Alison's door, my arms filled with my things.
"Hey em, what took so long?" Alison greeted me helping me with my things.
I debated on telling Alison whether Paige and I had stopped fighting and decided I should, since we were best friends.
"Well actually, Paige was at my house and we made up." I replied blushing and biting my lip.
"Good for you!" Alison gushed but turned quickly away and headed to her room.
"That's weird." I thought to myself but followed her anyways.

"Let's watch a movie." Alison suggested after I had put my stuff on her bed.
"Okay" I replied sitting on her bad and getting comfortable. She joined me after she put the DVD in.
"What did you put in?" I asked as she sat close to me.
"You'll see" she replied mischievously.
Suddenly the tittle page came on.
"I hate you, I hate scary movies. AlISON!!" I whined covering my eyes.
"It's okay Emily. You can cuddle with me." She turned off the light and I was happy about that because I blushed really hard.
"I hate you." I whispered in her ear which was the exact opposite of how I felt about her.
"No you don't" she flirted with me. She held my hand and pressed play.

I tried to ignore the fact that we were holding hands because what Alison did was play people. She led them on and left them to burn with their broken heart. I've seen it firsthand too many times. I didn't want to be like one of those people.
I couldn't be like one of those people. I had Paige now. And she was all I needed.

All I needed

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