Date night

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While Emily was in the shower I mentally prepared myself for the date. I couldn't constantly be touching her but that was going to be extremely difficult. I had to pick the best, romantic place I could find.

I decided on a little cozy restaurant. Candlelight dinner. It would be perfect.

"I'm almost ready." I heard Emily call out to me from the bathroom.

"Okay." I replied, styling my hair.

Emily walked out shortly after I had finished looking absolutely stunning. She wore a black mini skirt with a sheer light pink top completed with black pumps and a light touch of pink gloss on her lips.

"Oh. My. God." My mouth dropped open and Emily blushed, "are you sure you're not secretly a model?"

"I'm sure." She laughed and I stood up to go.
We arrived at the restaurant and took our seats.

"This is beautiful." She said in amazement as we sat in a cozy booth.

"Did you see the look the waiter gave us?" I laughed, referring to when I had taken Emily's hand and asked for a table for two.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure he was going to make a move on you." Emily laughed even harder as I glared at her.

"Well he isn't that bad looking. I'm just not into him like that." I crinkled my nose.

"Mm well I don't know, maybe you could get a discount on this dinner." Emily teased me with a glint in her eye

"The only person I'm interested in sleeping with, is you." The waiter coughed uncomfortably as he handed us our plates. How long has he been there? I looked at Emily's face that was red from laughter and I had to suppress a laugh that threatened to pour out of my mouth. "Thank you." I managed to say to the waiter who just nodded in reply.

"Well at least now he knows for sure. Way to break it to the guy." Emily couldn't stop giggling.

"Sometimes things have to be done the hard way." I said in a motherly tone.

"Of course." Emily replied trying to eat her food without laughing, "but now I can't focus on anything else except getting you home."

I looked at her in shock, "really?"

"Really." She stated shoving food in her mouth.

"Well then hurry up." I finished the last of my food and stood up. I put the cash in the folder and left an extra big tip for the waiter.
It's too bad Emily and I could only stay on a date night for so long.
Wait, who was I kidding? It wasn't bad at all.

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