You dont have to prove it

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Waking up with Alison all tangled in me was one of the best feelings in the world. The second was her pulling me closer in her sleep every time I moved away.

After Ali went to sleep, I stayed up for a while just watching her sleep peacefully. Ali was amazing in bed, not going to lie. With Paige I felt like it has been forced, but with Ali it all came naturally and there was so much emotion and passion in our kisses.

She mumbled in her sleep and rolled over. I took this as my opportunity, I rolled out of bed and went to make breakfast.

I woke up to the smell of bacon. I reached for Emily but all I got was a pillow. Smiling to myself, I grabbed a robe and tied it around my waist. I walked to the kitchen and stood in the doorway.

Emily looked incredibly sexy in the kitchen as she focused on stirring the eggs. She had an apron wrapped around her waist but she was only wearing spandex and a sports bra.

I cleared my throat and she turned around.

"Hey, did I wake you?" She smiled as she saw me.

"Yes, but it's okay, you can make it up to me later." I made my way to her and she pecked my lips in greeting.

"Deal." She smiled and my heart melted.

She went to the stove to finish making the eggs. I followed her and wrapped my arms around her waist, burying my head in her neck.

"Can you get the plates please?" She asked giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"I don't know.." I teased flashing her a smile, "you'll have to make me."

Something flashed in her eyes and she pushed me against the counter top. She put her lips close to mine but didn't touch them. The suspense was killing me and my lips ached for hers to touch mine. I leaned in but she backed away. My whole body tingled as her hands ran up and down my arms.

"Now, get the plates and we'll continue this later." Her lips were inches from my ear and he breath sent shivers down my spine.

"Okay." I breathed out, not realizing I hadn't been holding my breath in at all. She smiled, satisfied and turned off the burner of the stove.

I got the plates, my whole body still weak from her touch. Was it even possible to be this in love with someone?

She poured the eggs and put the bacon on the plates and took them into my room. I followed her like a lost puppy, but I didn't care at all. She sat on the bed and started eating quickly. I did the same because I wanted to continue what she has started.

"Let me get the plates. You stay right there." I instructed as I hurried to wash the plates off.

"You don't need to do this, you know." She spoke quietly after I had come back.

"Do what?" I asked curiously as I sat next to her.

"You don't have to try so hard. You don't have to prove anything." She replied looking me in the eyes.

I couldn't help but smile, "I know, I'm doing all of this because I love you."

"I love you too." She smiled shyly back at me.

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