Keeping secrets

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"Hey babe." Alison came out of the bathroom with steam coming off of her.

I quickly put on a smile as if I hadn't just gotten a really weird text, "wow, and I thought you couldn't get ANY hotter."

"Stop." She blushed, "what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing. I was just day dreaming." I winked, hoping it was a good enough cover.

She took the bait and winked back, "about what?"

"Oh...nothing." I trailed a finger over my bottom lip and sent her a kiss.

"You are such a tease." Alison whispered while crawling on the bed.

"Uh no woman. You need clothes before any action happens." I stopped her knowing I would take full advantage of the situation.

"But babe." She pouted and I kissed it away.

"Nope." I insisted and my phone buzzed again.

"Fine." Ali went to put on clothes and I checked my phone quickly.

Unknown number:
Hurry and choose. Time is running out.

Was it Paige who was sending me all of these texts? I mean, she could've found out that Ali and I were at least talking again. She would've flipped when she found out we are dating. Still, somehow I didn't see Paige sending me these texts. Who else then?

"What are you concentrating so hard on? Not that you don't look absolutely adorable."

I blushed at the compliment, " just my mother." I didn't want Ali to get worry or get scared and leave me so I decided not to tell her.

"Well hurry and get ready because I'm taking you out to dinner. Now, go." She shooed my off the bed and I had to admit, I loved it when she took charge. I turned off my phone in case I got any more weird messages and took some clothes to the bathroom. I told myself not to worry about it because I'm sure it was just some prank. But why was the person harassing me about it?

It irritated me that I had to keep this from Alison but there was no way I was going to risk losing what we have.

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