The truth

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Why couldn't the day go by any faster? Paige had said that Alison would be coming back but I wondered if that meant today or tomorrow or next week. My heart starting beating like a drum when I thought of seeing Ali. Would I finally be strong enough to tell her that I missed her like crazy and that I loved her? Or would I just hold my feelings in and act like I didn't have butterflies every time she touched me? I didn't even know what I would do and that's what scared me the most. I was interrupted by a knock at my door. Curious, I hurried down my hall and opened the door.

"Ali.....?" My heart literally stopped when I stared into her big, beautiful blue eyes.

"Emily." She said breaking into a smile.

"It's really you?" I couldn't believe it. This has to be a dream. She pulled me into a big hug and clutched me tightly. This definitely isn't a dream. I breathed in the scent of her, warm vanilla and flowers.

"I missed you so much em." Her eyes filled to the brim with tears. There was so much emotion in that one sentence that I almost broke down and kissed her and told her that I wanted her to be mine but then I remembered that she was straight and that she didn't love me like that.

So instead all I said was, "I missed you too."

I invited Ali in and we sat on my couch.
"How was, well, wherever you went?" I asked awkwardly considering that I didn't know what to say anymore.

"It was good. How are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm alright, I guess. Paige tried to help pick me up after you left but I was still really...." I paused looking at Alison's reaction, she nodded at me encouraging me to go on, "lonely." I finished.

"Tried? So she gave up?" Ali smiled and twirled my hair between her fingers.

"Kind of, she said that if I still lo-" I caught myself before I told Alison how I felt about her, "that if I still would be depressed about you, she couldn't handle it."

"I'm sorry babe." Alison frowned looking extremely adorable.

I shrugged, "I was planning on ending it soon anyways." It felt good to have my best friend back, someone I could just talk to and be real with. I really didn't want to ruin that, but I wondered how long I could keep my feelings to myself.

Alison took a deep breath and spoke really quickly, "well I came back here to talk about one thing that hasn't left my mind since I left, us." She got really red and my heart literally skipped a beat.

"What about us?" I tried to sound calm, like my heart didn't just leap out of my chest.

"I don't know exactly but you haven't left my mind and I miss you so much, all the time. And the kisses well-" she searched my face and I could tell that I looked extremely happy which seemed to relieve Alison, "well, they're not just for practice and I'm pretty sure I'm either in love with you or I'm falling really hard for you." She let out a breath that I didn't even realize she was holding.

I didn't know what to say. Once again, Alison had left me completely speechless and I was in total shock. Alison loved me? Are you kidding me? I have been waiting for this day since forever but I always thought that I'd be the one to tell her how I felt and I'd just get pushed away.

Alison cleared her throat, "uh well I mean, I guess I could've figured that you might not feel the same..." She looked heartbroken.

"Ali it's not that it's just wow. This is like a surreal dream. I keep expecting to wake up and not have you here." I explained laughing at the end.

"I'll always be here. Now I know that I can't live without out you, there's no way I'm leaving you." Alison reassured me, reaching out and touching my hand. The touch still sent jitters through my skin and I smiled at her.

"You have a lot of making up to do though..." I trailed off casually.

She smirked in agreement.

"I guess I can finally say this out loud to you and actually mean it in a different way, I love you, Alison."

"I love you too." She said and I felt like she actually meant it.

I couldn't wait for us to be together one day. I'd actually get to call her mine.

"Before we uh, "make up", can I get some food?" She asked hesitantly.

"Of course!" I laughed leading her into the kitchen.

We made sandwiches and sat down to eat and watch a movie. I could get used to life with Ali as mine. She fit into my arms like two pieces in a jigsaw puzzle.
And to think that this might not have happened if I hadn't told Alison that I loved her too. She was so perfect, this was so perfect. How could I have ever lived without her?

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