Mysterious texts

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I was with Alison. Holy freaking crap. It was still unbelievable even though we had just made out. The hard part was letting everyone else know, and I'm not talking about my other friends. I'm talking about Paige.

I still cared about her even though honestly I didn't think about her when I kissed Alison like I had thought about Alison when I kissed Paige.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked me, interrupting my thoughts.

I decided I might as well just tell her, "Paige."

Her face registered a look of hurt.

"Not in that way! Just like how she's going to act when she finds out that I've been in love with you since like forever." I quickly said pulling her close.

"Oh." Was all she said.

"Ali...before you left, Paige and I didn't have sex but uh it was after that I did. I was trying to make myself fall in love with her but now I just feel horrible because I never loved her." It was true, I could tell myself all I wanted, but the truth was, I never had feelings for Paige like I did for Alison. I felt immensely guilty for using her like that and I understood if Alison didn't want to talk to me for a while.

"Don't feel horrible, I should have never left you. If anyone's to blame, it's me. If I hadn't left, would you have ever slept with her?" She inquired kissing my jaw.

"No way." I answered honestly.

"There you go." She smiled and I smiled back. I was extremely happy that she was taking it this well.

"I want my first time to be with you em and I mean, it's a bummer that you can't be mine but at least I know you'll be amazing." She winked after she said this causing my heart to beat a million times faster than it should have.

"Well you may never know." I teased her and she jokingly glared at me.

"Fine." She rolled out of my arms.

"Come back." I insisted holding open my arms.
She couldn't resist for too long and eventually she crawled back into my arms.

"We should go on a real date sometime." Alison suggest playing with my hands.

"Is that a question?" I teased in a dreamlike state because her playing with my hand felt amazing.

She fake-glared at me, "Emily fields, will you go out with me?"

"Well not when you glare at me like that!" I joked.

She rolled on top of me, "say yes."

"Well when you do that..." I trailed off and kissed her.

She hopped off me to go take a shower and I resisted the urge to go with her. As soon as she left, my phone buzzed.

Text: unknown number
Stop and choose who you really love. Or else.

Or else what? What the heck was that about?
I locked my phone but the message never left my mind.
What did they mean choose who I really love? I knew who I loved.

Falling for youOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora