Maybe, maybe not

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"Morning beautiful." Paige muttered in my ear, kissing my bare shoulder, waking me up.
Thoughts of last night came rushing back into my head and I smiled.
"Morning." I tucked her hair behind her ear and kissed her lightly on the lips. She put her chin in the crease of my shoulder and I turned to face her.
"We should get dressed and eat." I suggested as she started to close her eyes again.
"Give me like five more hours." She whined but I threw a pillow at her. She glared at me and threw it back.
"Get dressed you punk." She muttered but a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth.
I rolled out of bed and grabbed clothes.
Paige sat up and smirked at me.
"Stop looking at me!" I yelled throwing on my shirt.
"No." She said simply and I rolled my eyes. She got up and told me she was going to make breakfast. I didn't trust myself to be alone with my thoughts but I nodded anyways and went to brush out my hair.

Yes, I was starting to love Paige, but deep down I knew for sure that I was in love with Alison. Even though I missed her like crazy, maybe her being gone was a better thing than I thought. Paige certainly seemed to be happier and I needed to put all of my effort into her. Even then, thoughts of Alison and I kissing popped into my mind and I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to be reminded of what I couldn't have. Alison was bad for me, she made me crazy on the inside and doubt myself on the outside, but at the same time that's what made me love her even more. The fact that I didn't know what would happen between us intrigued me into wanting to know more and feel more between us. Did Alison feel the same way though?
Maybe, maybe not.

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