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» [be my baby-the ronettes] «
0:48 ─〇───── -1:52
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

Evelyn sat in her office thinking about that morning and how she woke up on Jack's chest with his arm wrapped tightly around her waist. They both hadn't spoken to one another since they arrived at work.

The girl had insisted that they came to work separately, despite Jack offering to take her. She didn't want any of the other agents to spread vulgar rumours about the pair's relationship.

Peggy walked into Evelyn's office and took a seat with a grateful smile. Last night everything had gone according to plan, for her at least, not so much for everyone else.

"What's going on, Peg, I saw you last night at Raymond's nightclub. What were you doing there?" Evelyn questioned curiously, leaning forward and grabbing her cup of coffee.

"I was there for Howard." Peggy responded calmly. She trusted the girl sat in front of her with her life, after all she had shared some of her darkest secrets with her and they were still a secret.

Evelyn furrowed her brows wondering when Peggy had found the time to talk to Howard, especially since he was in hiding. The girl had tried to contact Edwin Jarvis multiple times to see if he knew where Howard was, but he always said he had no clue.

"I can't tell you all of the details, Bernie, but you need to keep it secret cause I still need your help." Peggy insisted, causing Evelyn's eyes to widen.

The brunette shook her head, she couldn't do that. She couldn't help with the investigation on finding Howard as well as help Peggy hide him.

"I can't do that. I can't keep secrets, I'm awful at it, Peg." Evelyn rested her hands on her lap and began to fiddle with her fingers.

She hated keeping secrets from people, more specifically people with power. If Chief Dooley ever found out that she was helping hide Howard, she would get the sack. But what would be much worst than Chief Dooley finding out, would be if Jack found out. He'd never talk to her again.

"Are you joking? Your a hired therapist, Bernie, you were literally hired to keep people's secrets." Peggy chuckled at how stupid the girl sounded by saying she couldn't keep secrets. "You've kept all of my secrets."

"Name one. Name one secret that I've kept of yours." Evelyn insisted, her eyes flickering around her office as a distraction.

Peggy pursed her lips, thinking for a minute before whispering,

"Steve." Peggy's eyes quickly became glazed over with tears the second that she thought back to him. She wished that she had longer with him, or even a chance to say a proper goodbye.

Evelyn allowed her smile to fall from her face, she missed the blonde boy dearly, he was like a second brother to her. The brunette nodded as a singular tear rolled down her cheek just at the thought of him and Bucky.

"I miss them." Evelyn admitted. The only people that she could talk about Steve and Bucky with were Peggy and Howard. Nobody else understood her pain. Nobody else knew Steve and Bucky like they did.

"So do I." Peggy whispered, placing her hand over Evelyn's. "So, will you keep the secret?"

Evelyn nodded, after all she would do anything to keep Peggy happy. The girl was there for her when she felt like she lost everyone that she loved. She helped her get back on her feet as did Howard, he gave her a place to live, completely rent free. They both care for Evelyn and she cared for them.

"Thank you." Peggy paused. "I've got to go and talk to The Chief but we will catch up later okay?" She questioned softly as she slowly stood up, Evelyn following in suit to walk her out of the office.

She pursed her lips and watched as Peggy walked over to Chief Dooley's office. Her eyes glazed over with tears just at the thought of Bucky and Steve. She missed them both dearly and hated that they couldn't be alongside her.

"What's got you so down?" Jack questioned as he noticed the unshed tears in the girls eyes. He waited a minute for a response, only to not get one, so he softly placed his hand on her shoulder and asked, "Evie, what wrong?"

"We we're just talking about Bucky and Steve." Evelyn admitted, looking up to Jack through her lashes.

It was the first time he had spoke to her since he left her house. It felt odd not having his morning session but so far nothing had only annoyed him. But he was willing to pretend someone did in order to spend time with the girl and make sure that she was okay.

"You want some company? Yauch has just pissed me off and I'm-" Jack paused to look at the watch on his wrist. "an hour late for my session."

"Come on in, Lieutenant." Evelyn smiled as she stepped out of the way to allow Jack into her office.

She watched as he closed the door and pulled down all the blinds, causing her to furrow her brows. She wondered why he closed them, he never usually did. Out of everyone at SSR, it was only ever Peggy who closed the blinds and that was because they both sometimes cried together over Steve and Bucky.

Jack didn't hesitate on pulling the girl into his chest. His chin rested on the top of her head and he held her tightly.

Evelyn furrowed her brows at the action but allowed her arms to wrap around his torso and her head to nuzzle into the crook of his neck.

She didn't understand why he hugged her, but she didn't turn it down either. She enjoyed the comfort that he brought her. After last night and this morning, she had expected him to distance, she knew that he hated being open about any emotions and often tried to stray away from the idea of friends.

But instead, he did the complete opposite.

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