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» [burning pile-mother mother] «
0:48 ─〇───── -3:33
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

"Go a head and ask him why he thought it was okay." Jack encouraged as he sat down on the desk in front of Miles. His jaw was clenched as he spoke, he was so infuriated just by looking at him.

Evelyn looked between the two anxiously, she'd never interrogated anyone before. She only spoke to people when they needed to speak to her, she never did it to get information from them. It was only recently that The Chief had asked to start assessing the people they were interrogating.


"Yeah, why did you think that it was okay to take my girl-" Jack paused, realising what he had just said. "g-girl therapist and hold a knife against her neck?"

Jack clenched his jaw, he was fuming with the fact that Miles sat in front of them with a smug smirk on his face. He could tell that he had angered all the agents, which is why he thought it would be better to remain quite and not say anything.

Evelyn linked her hand with Jack's and pulled him away from the man, wanting to talk to him for a moment. She looked up at him through her lashes before saying,

"I'm okay, you know that right?"

Jack's eyes flickered down to the small cut on the girls neck from the blade and he couldn't help but allow anger to build up inside him once again. He hated that she came to harm.

"I know." He nodded running his hand over his face frustratedly. He turned to face Miles as he started laughing at the pair.

Jack stormed away from Evelyn, clenching his fist ready to swing for the man, regardless of the fact that the brunette was stood behind him.

Evelyn jumped up once she saw what was happening and slowly walked up to him, placing her hand gently on his bicep, nodding her head to silently tell him that she wanted to talk to him.

His nostrils flared in anger but Jack nodded and took a small step back, knowing the girl was in safe hands as he was only stood beside her. He wouldn't let anything happen to her, not again.

"Mr Van Ert, how are you today?" Evelyn decided to broach the man as she would a client, more specifically one of the agents. Gently and softly, as if they were in the right.

The man remained silent, angering Jack further. Who was he to think that he had the right to ignore Evelyn? Jack placed his hands on Evelyn's shoulders, causing her to look up at him with a soft smile.

"I noticed that you tensed at the mention of old sparky." Evelyn continued, narrowing her eyes as she spoke towards the man. She watched as he shifted in his seat at the mention of the electric chair.

Jack smirked down at the girl, she knew exactly what she was doing. He wasn't going to lie, he found it incredibly attractive when she interrogated someone. It didn't happen often, but when it did happen, he made sure that he was always in the room.

"All I have to do, is tell Chief Dooley that you have the capacity to answer my questions and are refusing. My assessment of you can help your case, if that's what you'd like. But also it can make it ten times worse."

"I'd listen to the girl." Jack whispered scrunching his nose up as he rested his head on Evelyn's shoulder. "She knows best."

"I'm not going to listen to your cock eyed Dame." Miles leant forward with a sickening smirk.

Jack lunged forward, gripping Miles' shirt tightly. His knuckles had turned white and Evelyn jumped back at the quick movement.

"What did you say?" Jack questioned lowly, giving the man a chance to correct himself. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?"

Miles just chuckled in response and watched as Evelyn reached forward to pull Jack back. Jack looked up to the double sided mirror and nodded, telling Chief Dooley to come and remove the girl from the room.

Not even seconds later, Chief Dooley walked into the room. He offered a sympathetic smile towards Evelyn, placing his hand on the small of her back and guiding her out of the room. She knew exactly what was going to happen.

Evelyn made her way to the room with the double sided mirror so that she could see everything that was happening, despite Chief Dooley telling her that she shouldn't be seeing it.

"You can threaten me all you want, but I'm not talking." Miles said quickly as Jack picked up the stick.

Evelyn looked across to Peggy nervously, which Peggy almost immediately clicked on too. She wrapped her arms around the small brunette and held her tightly as they both watched Jack.

"I'm not here to make you talk, Miles." Jack paused letting go of a deep breath. He pushed Miles head back and said, "You hurt my girl today, so I'm here to make you sing."

He held the stick up for Miles to bite down on, but he didn't move an inch, causing Jack to let go of a low chuckle.

"You're gonna want to bite down." Jack recommended, his eyes had become much darker now.

Evelyn was sure that he didn't know that she was watching. The girl began shaking in fear that his anger for what happened to her today would get the better of him. Miles bit down on the stick and Jack instantly swung at him, causing Evelyn to jump back in shock.

Peggy's grip on the girl tightened as she flinched away. No matter how much Peggy tried to cover the girls eyes so that she couldn't see what Jack was doing, she kept looking.

"Hate to see what would've happened if you'd left the carrot." Sousa muttered.

"Carter, Doc, take off for the night. A lady shouldn't be seeing this." Chief Dooley ordered as he turned to face them. Evelyn was like a daughter to him, he hated seeing her look so panicked at what Jack was doing.

She very rarely saw the aggressive side of him, or any of the agents for that matter. They all tried to conceal their anger in front of her.

"You boys play nice." Peggy nodded as she left the room, pulling Evelyn along with her. "Let's get you home."

"I think I'm going to wait, I'll ask one of the boys to take me home, don't worry, Peg." Evelyn attempted to reassure the woman. Peggy seemed hesitant at first but nodded in response, assuming that Evelyn would want to see Jack once he had finished with Miles.

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