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» [coffee breath- sofia mills] «
0:48 ─〇───── -1:55
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"Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt." Evelyn announced as she held a piece of lemon pie neatly wrapped in a napkin. "I have the pie you asked for Agent Thompson."

Jack smiled at the girl, placing his hand on the small of her back and pulling her into the briefing room so that he could shut the door. Evelyn flashed a smile towards Jarvis, knowing full well that he would have found something to help Peggy out.

"What is this man doing here?" Peggy questioned as she looked across to Evelyn, who shot her a wink in response.

"Pulling your fat out of the fryer, apparently." Sousa responded cockily as he leant against the wall.

"I'm afraid the charade is over, Agent Carter. Mr. Stark has decided to come clean." Jarvis answered, causing Evelyn's eyes to widen.

This wasn't exactly the plan she had in mind. She didn't want Howard framed to save Peggy, she wanted them both free. Neither of them were guilty of any of the crimes they were subjected too.

"What's that?" Jack asked as he looked at the slice of lemon pie in the napkin. He couldn't help but smile at the fact she actually brought him back a slice of lemon pie. He hadn't expected her too, despite him asking, but it warmed his heart that she did bring him a slice back.

"Her boyfriend's confession. He owns up to everything. Jobbing his own vault, selling explosives, the roxxon implosion." Chief Dooley responded, sending a small glare to Evelyn, who then hid herself behind Jack.

She wasn't used to the harshness of his glares or his disappointed looks. She usually saw a smiley happy man who seemed to be proud of having her work at the SSR and proud of the job she did.

"And where is Howard?" Evelyn questioned anxiously, she felt Jack's arm snake around her waist and tap a small tune on her hip.

"Uh... Somewhere over Greenland, scheduled to land in Teterboro at approximately 9:00 P.M. this evening." Jarvis spoke as he looked at his watch. "His attorneys have the signature page. It'll be sent back to you as soon as you've agreed to his terms and Agent Carter and myself are free."

Jack scrunched up his nose and turned to look down at Evelyn before clearing his throat and saying,

"Evie, what are you getting from him?" Jack motioned towards Jarvis. He wanted her to analyse him, see if he was lying about the whereabouts of Howard or if the words coming out of his mouth were all lies.

"I don't need that armature to tell me anything I can't already see for myself, thank you, agent." Chief Dooley snapped, causing Evelyn to lower her head almost guiltily.

Everyone was in a state of shock at how harshly Chief Dooley was treating Evelyn. It was something they'd never really seen before. He was harsh on his agents but never his therapist. He loved the girl like he love his own daughter.

"Do I have a say in this matter?" Peggy questioned, slightly in shock that all the choices were being made for her.

She wanted to move the conversation on as quickly as possible, especially once she saw how embarrassed Evelyn had gotten. The brunette didn't deserve to be humiliated by the man, or anyone for that matter. She was a good and kind soul that only ever wanted the best for others.

"You've had plenty of chances to talk." Chief Dooley responded, motioning to Peggy.

"So, do we have a deal?" Jarvis questioned as he extended his hand for the man to shake.

"Not quite." Chief Dooley paused, narrowing his eyes as he spoke. "As tempting as this arrangement is, I'm not stupid. Even if this is true, why would I give up Carter or you for a piece of paper?"

Jarvis seemed almost offended but Evelyn knew the man well. He wasn't very good at lying and often tugged on the lob of his ear whenever he did so. So far, he had refrained from doing that, but he had other tell signs that weren't as obvious.

"Uh, a signed piece of paper." Jarvis reminded the Chief.

"No, she's staying here. So are you. I want the signature page delivered. When Stark lands, we bring him here, have a garbage exchange. That's the deal." Chief Dooley looked between everyone in the room.

"It would appear so." Jarvis nodded as Chief Dooley shook his hand.

"And for the record, I find you repulsive." Chief Dooley spoke towards Jarvis.

Evelyn went to say something to the man, but Jack pulled her into his chest, muffling whatever it was that she was going to say. The brunette pulled away and looked at the man with furrowed brows, causing him to then bring up his finger and press it against her lips, telling her to remain quite.

"Take off the cuffs." Chief Dooley spoke as he was about to walk out.

"Howard can't do this. I'll never clear his name if he turns up." Peggy said, looking across at Jarvis, who seemed slightly confused at everything that was happening.

Jack made his way to unlock Peggy's handcuffs so that her hands were no longer bound behind her. He flashed a soft smile at Evelyn, who rocked back and forth on her heels.

"You're not clearing anybody. You're done." The Chief said as he span on his heel to face Peggy once again.

"I don't think you've understood our compromise regarding Agent Carter." Jarvis anxiously fiddled with the cuffs on his sleeve.

"Oh, she's free from prosecution." Chief Dooley responded, almost with a chuckle. "When Stark walks into the building, she walks out, for good. Carter, you're out of the SSR." Evelyn's mouth fell agape. She stepped forward and just before she could say anything, Chief Dooley cut her off by pointing at her and saying, "One more word out of you Evelyn, and you're out too."

Evelyn felt her heart drop, she couldn't imagine her life without this job. It tied her to everyone she cared about, Bucky, Steve, Howard, Peggy and... Jack.

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