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» [golden-harry styles] «
0:48 ─〇───── -2:40
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

Peggy held Evelyn's hand as they walked into the room with Chief Dooley and Sousa. They both wanted to watch Jack talk to Jarvis, to make sure that he was okay.

"But I don't think I can tell you anything that isn't already in the missing-car report I filed." Was the first thing that the girls heard tom Jarvis.

Chief Dooley turned to face the girls as they walked in. He didn't say anything about them joining him and Sousa, instead he just nodded and allowed them to stay.

"That report might take us a while to dig up. You see, the NYPD aren't as efficient as the SSR at record-keeping, which is saying something, because our files are a wreck." Jack responded calmly as he rolled up his sleeves and cockily placed his legs up on the table.

Evelyn chuckled, she was glad she didn't have to keep any files. Everything that she needed to know she had stored in her mind. That was the one thing she could brag about but never did, she had a photographic memory.

"That hurts. My filing's impeccable." Sousa uttered, placing his hand on his heart.

"Isn't that Stark's butler?" Peggy questioned, speaking up for the first time since they entered the room.

Evelyn understood that Peggy had to pretend that she didn't actually know Jarvis, unlike Evelyn would could speak honestly about her friendship with the man.

Jarvis was like a second father to Evelyn, he always made sure that she was safe and had plenty to eat or drink. He often picked her up and dropped her places whenever she needed it. Howard tasked him with keeping a watchful eye over her, so he did.

"You know this guy?" Chief Dooley questioned as he turned to face the brunettes.

"Edwin Jarvis, he's a good man, Chief. Helped me out a lot on many occasions." Evelyn took a small step forward, causing Chief Dooley to nod in response.

He always trusted the girls instincts, they were never wrong. He motioned for her to take a seat, which she happily did. He placed his hands on the back of the chair she was now sitting on before turning to face Peggy again.

"Only from the file. Do you think he was really involved in the Roxxon implosion?" Peggy questioned nervously, although the remained as calm as possible.

"Well, maybe he didn't blow the place up, but he's capable of driving a getaway car." Chief Dooley responded.

Evelyn pulled Jack's blazer closer to her, instantly being engulfed by his familiar scent of cedar and lemongrass. It was a comforting smell for the girl, something about it made her feel safe.

"It's funny. A lot of stuff gets stolen from Howard Stark...Cars, bombs, death rays." Jack uttered as he flicked through a file.

"Actually, the death ray's accounted for. It's in Nevada, I believe." Jarvis responded honestly.

Evelyn smiled at the man, even though he couldn't see her through the double sided mirror. Jarvis was remaining rather calm considering his skittish personality.

"Hmm. You know these men?" Jack placed a photo of two men down on the table, causing Jarvis to have to pull out his glasses. "Take a good look. We have reliable information that says that both of these men were in possession of some of your boss' misdoings, and now they're dead."

"Oh, what a pity." Jarvis responded sarcastically. "Sounds like you found our thieves."

Jack leant forward, he was keeping his calm for Evelyn. He didn't want to hurt someone who meant a lot to her. That would only make her hate him and he certainly didn't want that.

"Unless, of course, they were working for your boss." Jack linked his hands together and raised his brows.

"Would you look at that? Five minutes in, and Thompson hasn't knocked out a single tooth." Sousa uttered, causing Evelyn to bite back a smirk.

A few years ago, Howard had her interrogate all his staff to see how they would cope if taken into custody. He had to fire a few before since they spilled everyone of his fake secrets that he gave them. Jarvis was one of the ones that made it.

"Well, don't let this guy fool you. He may be a butler. Butlers know powerful people. If we don't play this just right, he'll have a dozen lawyers down here by lunch." Chief Dooley responded to Sousa.

"What about the stolen-car report?" Peggy questioned curiously.

"Currently lost in the system." Chief Dooley responded as he lifted up a file that sat in front of Evelyn.

Evelyn shared an anxious look with Peggy. The girl still hadn't told her what she was up too, but she knew that it included Jarvis.

"But if the car was actually stolen, we got nothing to use on him." Sousa spoke up looking towards Chief Dooley.

"Eh, we got something that'll rattle this limey's cage good." He shrugged.

"I'll tell you, you know what I would do if the bumper fell off my car while I was committing a crime?" Jack paused as he pointed towards Jarvis. "I'd file a stolen-car report."

Evelyn anxiously tapped her fingers against the desk in front of her. Jack was keeping his cool surprisingly well. She was proud of him, normally he would have given the person sat across from him the carrot and stick option.

"Well, if you're implying that Mr. Stark would ever-"

"I'm implying you." Jarvis was cut off by Jack throwing the file across the table. "Mr. Stark's on the run."

"He is also an innocent man." Jarvis responded calmly.

Jack let out a frustrated sigh. Jarvis wasn't giving him anything to go on. They had no leads on Howard, if the stolen car report came up, he knew they wouldn't be able to keep him in the SSR building.

He turned to face the double sided mirror, what Jack didn't know was that Evelyn was sat right across from him. Staring back at him, hoping to God he wouldn't do anything to hurt Jarvis.

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