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0:48 ─〇───── -1:32
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

"Bet the scientists can figure, it's a chemical that induces psychosis upon exposure, which I can personally attest to after Sousa tried to bite my nose off." Jack was explains to the agents, who all stood in front of him.

Since Chief Dooley was no longer here, he took it upon himself to step up and become the new Chief. Which meant a lot of pressure and people relying on him, but he felt like he was ready for the job.

"Hey, killer." Jack taunted as he snaked his arm around Evelyn's waist and pulled her in front of him, his chin resting on her shoulder as he smugly smirked towards Sousa.

"I'm surprised Howard would consent to manufacturing something like that." Peggy added as she looked to Evelyn, hoping she would agree.

Evelyn hummed in response. Howard did a lot of stupid shit, but he wouldn't ever make something to irresponsible and reckless. She had more faith in him than that.

"The amount that got me was tiny. How much of this stuff does Ivchenko have?" Sousa questioned as he took a seat on the edge of his desk.

"The lab counted 10 canisters. Meaning Ivchenko has enough to send half the city into a homicidal rage." Jack looked between the piece of paper on the desk and Sousa.

Evelyn rested her head against his and closed her eyes as she felt his fingers begin to dance over her skin. His touch was so soothing to her, and she never wanted it to stop.

"But why? Why go to all that trouble?" Peggy questioned with furrowed brows, she didn't fully understand and it was frustrating her.

"'Cause he's a Russian jerk with a chip on his shoulder. Why else?" Jack's jaw tightened as he spoke, which was something that didn't go unnoticed by Evelyn.

"No, I-it's got to be something more than that. Ivchenko has a plan. He brought us into Russia. He tricked us into bringing him into this country." Peggy paused. "There's something specific that he is targeting. We just have to find out what it is. Bernie, any ideas?"

Just before Evelyn could even get a word in, she turned to face Howard. He sent her a playful wink as he looked between her and Jack. Evelyn slowly made her way towards the man before he had even said anything.

"The target is me." Howard spoke up, making everyone aware of his presence. Evelyn jumped in front of the man once she saw the agents pull out their guns.

"Hey." Jack snapped, his eyes widening at the idea of one of the agents shooting Evelyn accidentally. "Evie, darling, move out of the way."

Evelyn went to shake her head, she didn't want to leave Howard exposed to all the guns pointed at him. But Jarvis wrapped his arm around her wrist and slowly pulled her back and behind him.

"Get your hands up. Get your hands up." Jack shouted, causing Jarvis to throw both his hands up into the air.

"Told you." Howard glared at Jarvis, he was expecting this kind of reaction. "What kind of welcome is this?"

Evelyn, Peggy and Jarvis were the only ones in the room without a gun pointed at Howard. The brunette reached out to wrap her hand around Howard's wrist to pull him back slightly. The man was like a brother to her, she couldn't lose him.

"How the hell did you get in here?" Sousa questioned, not understanding how he got passed all of the SSR security.

"You know who designed the SSR security system?" Howard questioned, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Yeah, the same outfit that sures the White House." Sousa almost bragged, causing the man to roll his eyes.

Howard felt Evelyn's grip on his wrist tighten, so he placed his hand over hers and ran his thumb over her knuckles soothingly. The action was something that didn't go unnoticed by Jack. He had to remind himself that they were just friends, more like siblings than anything else.

"Exactly. They stink. You should have hired me." Howard chuckled, before looking between Peggy and Evelyn, who both had tears in their eyes. "I know. You both missed me."

Evelyn rested her head on his bicep and tried to blink back the tears. She may have only seen him a few mere hours ago, but she knew that if he got locked up now, she wouldn't get a chance to see him again.

"You didn't have to do this." Evelyn whispered as she stepped in front of the man, causing him to look down at her.

"Of course I did, Bernie." Howard half heartedly chuckled. "Someone had to warn Thompson about being a gentleman and Jarvis here wouldn't have done it." He then playfully slapped Jarvis' bicep.

Evelyn let go of a heart broken chuckle, she couldn't imagine never seeing Howard again. The man meant a lot to her. He was there for her through everything.

"Evie." Jack spoke sternly, he knew they'd had contact and he didn't ask her about it. He didn't want to put her in a position where she had to choose between himself and Howard.

Truthfully, Jack was scared that she would choose Howard over him and that was the last thing he wanted. So he just pretended that he didn't know they had contact. He kept it to himself so that he got to keep seeing Evelyn.

Evelyn gave Howard's hand a lightly squeeze before walking over to Jack, who then almost instantly pulled her behind him. She placed her hand on his bicep and looked up to him almost pleadingly.

Jack let out a frustrated groan before looking around at all of the other agents who were waiting to be told what to do with Howard. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip before saying,

"Take him into the briefing room."

That was when he realised, there wasn't one thing in the world that he wouldn't do for Evelyn.

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