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» [arcade- Duncan Laurence] «
0:48 ─〇───── -1:17
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

Evelyn grabbed Jack's arm and dragged him into her office after he finished talking to Sousa and Chief Dooley. It was obvious that she was anxious about what was happening.

"So, what's going to happen to her?" Evelyn questioned before Jack could even get a word in.

"I don't know, but we're going to check the building across the road. Sousa believes her, The Chief doesn't." Jack placed his hand on the girls bicep and pressed his lips against her head.

"And what do you believe, Lieutenant?" Evelyn looked up at the man through her lashes.

Jack's eyes softened as he cupped the girls face. His thumb running along her cheek soothingly. He believed Peggy. He truly did, maybe because Evelyn believed Peggy and he trusted her instincts.

"I believe Peggy." He admitted. "I believe you. I know that it must've been hard for you to see her hand over Steve's blood."

Evelyn pulled away from Jack and took a step back, her eyes flickering down to the ground nervously. Her hand began to shake, she knew that telling Jack that she had been in contact could potentially ruin whatever they had, but she didn't want to lie to him anymore.

"I've spoke to Howard." Evelyn announced. "On more than one occasion. When you came to get me after Krzeminski died, he was in my house, he was upstairs."

Jack's jaw tightened at the idea of her being in contact with Howard and not telling him, but he wasn't exactly angry with her. Just upset that she didn't trust him enough.

"When I came home from the office that day, he wasn't there. But then after our almost kiss when Sousa was interrogating Frank, I saw him again at Peggy's place." Evelyn ran her tongue over her bottom lip. "He told me that we needed to get the Blitzkrieg Button, which is what contained Steve's blood. So, me and Peggy got it for him."

Evelyn's bottom lip began to quiver as she felt Jack's disappointed gaze on her. She hated upsetting him. She hated that she made him angry or upset.

"Howard's a good man, Jack, he's never done anything to hurt me or anyone that I care about. He's made some bad mistakes in his life but I don't believe that he sold his weapons to enemies of the US. I don't believe that he would keep a secret like that from me. If anything, he tells me too much." Evelyn chuckled to attempt and ease the tension.

Jack hummed in response, leaning against the back of the couch, crossing his arms and watching her carefully. He cleared his throat before saying,

"You didn't tell me, Evie." He ran his hand over his face. "Why?"

"I didn't want you to think that I was going behind your back. That I was betraying our-I don't even know what to call whatever we have." Evelyn pointed between them both. "I didn't want to put you in an impossible decision about choosing between me and the SSR."

Jack nodded, he understood. She didn't want him to question his morals. Part of him thanked her for that, but the other part of him just wanted her to talk to him. To tell her everything that she was going through.

"You should've just told me, I wouldn't have said anything. Not if you told me not too. I can keep a secret, darling." Jack spoke softly.

The name caused butterflies in Evelyn's stomach. It cause her knees to feel weak and a blush rise onto her cheeks. God the things that, that man did to her.

"You shouldn't have to keep my secrets, Jackie." Evelyn stepped forward slightly.

"But I would." Jack whispered, snaking his arms around the girls waist, pulling her as close to him as possible.

Evelyn rested her hands on his chest, her eyes flickered between his soft lips to his dark eyes. She was glad that he wasn't mad at her, that she hadn't ruined their relationship.

"Why?" She whispered back, her warm breath hitting his face.

Jack couldn't help but smile down at the girl. She looked so beautiful, her hair fell down in front of her eyes and her nose scrunched up slightly as she spoke.

"Because I love you." He didn't know what came over him, he didn't know why he said it. But it was true. He loved her, he loved everything about her.

Evelyn's breath hitched at the three words. It was the last thing that she was expecting. Her eyes softened as she looked at him and her lips parted. She let out a giddy laugh and tried her hardest to bite back the smile forming.

She pressed their lips together momentarily. The kiss didn't last long and it wasn't rushed. It was just a small and gentle one. She slowly pulled away with her lips still pursed.

"I love you too." Evelyn whispered as Sousa stormed into her office.

Evelyn jumped at the door swinging open, and Jack instantly jumped in front of the girl. He felt her grip on his shirt tighten. Sousa's eyes flickered between the pair before clearing his throat and saying,

"You ready to go?" Jack nodded in response and waited for Sousa to leave before turning to face Evelyn again.

"I've got to go." Jack announced, Evelyn nodded understandingly. "But can I come over tonight?"

"Of course, agent." Evelyn smiled, she couldn't help but feel giddy at what just happened. "Now go and save the world."

Jack mockingly saluted, causing Evelyn to smile, standing up on her tip toes and press her lips against his again. She couldn't get enough, his kisses were addictive.

"Do me a favour, stay with Dooley, I know he's being an ass to you right now but I don't trust that Doctor." Jack lightly brushed their noses together.

Evelyn hummed in response, after all she would do anything for the man, even if that meant being around someone who didn't currently like her and someone she didn't trust.

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