Chapter 52

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I woke up with the memories of last night still burned into my brain, I don't know why Louis had this hold over me, part of me just wanted him back but the other part of me knew he'd always hurt me again.

My eyes were stinging from how much I had been crying, I just wanted Louis that's all I wanted. It's all I'm going to ever want no matter what happens.

I forced myself to get up and go splash my face with water so it wasn't completely obvious I was crying, I rubbed my face with a towel to dry off.

I headed downstairs and Gemma and my mum were already sitting on the sofas ready to open some presents, I sat down beside my mum and she pulled me in for a small hug.

"Merry Christmas my baby boy." She smiled plastering my cheeks in small kisses.

"Merry Christmas mum." I laughed pushing her off and wiping my cheeks.

The 3 of us sat around in our living room taking turn opening our presents. Molly jumped up beside me bursting with eagerness to get a hold of the wrapping paper. I threw it onto the floor for her to enjoy and she ran after it.

After a while of opening presents and phoning relatives, we were all relaxing while mum cooked us our dinner. I sat scrolling through Instagram, completely forgetting I still had all Louis' sisters and they had posted photos from Louis' birthday and the younger siblings opening their presents.

Lottie had posted Ernest and Doris opening all their presents, Louis was in most of them. He was smiling but you could tell he wasn't himself, I couldn't tell if it was him being hungover or the slight glimmer of hope maybe he was sad over me.

Every time I swiped on a new photo that I could see Louis in, my heart hurt a little more. Why did I have to believe all the lies? How was I so stupid to believe it. 

I felt myself starting to get upset again, that horrible moment keeps replaying in my head. All eyes on me. Watching the most horrific moment of me entire life.

"Haz you okay?" Gemma broke my train of thought.

She pondered a look at me with a sad face.

"I'm okay." I nodded smiling at her.

"Good." She smiled sipping on her tea.

I felt my phone buzz in my hand and I look down and check my phone.

Nick:  Well? How has your Christmas? :)

I smiled to myself reading over the text. It was nice speaking to Nick again, especially after all the shit that had happened.

Me: Good thanks :) Did Lily enjoy her visit from Santa?

"Right guys dinner is ready!" Mum called from the kitchen.

We sat around having dinner and a few drinks before watching a Christmas movie before we all went to bed. 


27th December

I was meeting Nick today and I was quite excited. I was still miserably heartbroken over Louis, he was all I could think about, I just wanted this to be a dream and not to be real.

I had told Niall and Liam I would go to the bar with them tonight after I had went for a drink with Nick first. We were going to a local bar that most people our age went too. We hadn't heard much from Zayn over the past few days and radio silence after Louis' visit on his birthday. 

I pulled on a white t shirt and put a blue jumper over it paired with some black jeans, I ruffled my hair and put some product into my hair. I sprayed some cologne I had got as a present, I was in two minds if I wanted to impress Nick or not. I know he had previous feelings for me but they may have left because of how much I blew him off.

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