Chapter 9

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Next day

Farhan went on a business trip when Alif arrived. While she was with Yusuf.
She took care of him in every way.

Yusuf was in his room when Alif walked in holding a glass of juice. She delivered the juice to him.

"Thank you, doctor," Yusuf said as he sipped the juice.
Yusuf raises his eyes to her with a grin.

She sat down next to him and stare at him.
"I wanted to tell you something, Yusuf"

"I Might be gone for sometime." She said
Yusuf expression changed.

"I mean just in case, if I had go somewhere for a while, please be a good boy and listen to your baba okay?" She said softly.

"But do come back, fast please" Yusuf said
Alif nodded with smile.

Next week

Alif arrived at The mansion, she got inside
Farhan and Yusuf were waiting for her.

"Salam Alaikum sorry I am late"
Both of them look up, Yusuf ran to her

"Doctor!" Yusuf said hugging her waist.
"Walykumsalam" Farhan said coming close to her.

"Your late" Farhan said just one feet away.
Yusuf was holding her hand.
"Sorry, I wake up little late" alif replied looking down.
"Yusuf go to your room, we will meet you there" Farhan said in a serious tone. Yusuf nodded walking away.

Alif look at him he sounded serious.

"Look, I'm sorry for coming late I know" alif said in nervous tone.

Farhan stare at her.

"Have you considered getting married? I can't let you live alone because I'm afraid...stay with us..."

Alif look down, she didn't know what to do anymore.
"I— I don't know...I am scared.... I " Alif stop talking she close her eyes for a second little tears were coming out.

"I promise, I will keep it easy for you. I will give you space.... I will give you time... I will keep you safe and happy" Farhan said wiping her little tears away.

"Don't cry.." Farhan added just then , his phone started ringing he look at the screen and back to her "I have answer it's important, think about what I have said and give me your answer." He said softly walking away.

Alif just stood there. She didn't know what to do.


when she returned home She was considering what Farhan had said. She was at a loss for what to do.
Farhan has asked her for an answer. She did love Yusuf, Farhan wasn't that bad, she did notice, how caring he was.

She performed wudu and prayed, requesting Allah's (swt) guidance.

End of chapter

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