45 • Goodbyes

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Chapter Song: Enchanted by Taylor Swift

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Chapter Song: Enchanted by Taylor Swift

Leona and I stood beside the oyster bar at Castle Hill Inn, dressed in flirty cocktail dresses, while Levi shucked a dozen oysters.

I tried to take in all the sights and smells, memorizing them before leaving this seaside town behind. "I can't believe it's been a year since we were last in Newport together. Living in that tiny camper."

We shared a laugh.

"And now look at us," Leona said. "Degrees in hand. Looking like two fine-ass college graduates. Booed up."

"And here I thought no man could tame you."

Leona and I both took a Moonstone oyster and swallowed them whole before she said, "Oh, I'm not tamed. Not even close. But Graham isn't just a pretty idiot. I like that he's smart and driven. He keeps me coming back for more."

Another bubble of laughter came. "Whoever said catch flights, not feelings, right?"

"Our Rhody souvenirs followed us home."

A year had passed, and now Leona and I were at a crossroads in our lives. "I still can't believe you two are moving to Hawaii."

"I still can't believe you two are moving to England. What the hell am I gonna do without my favorite sister sleeping in the next room?"

I swallowed back another oyster, trying to ignore the way tears burned in my throat.

"I'm only a phone call and a plane flight away," I told Leona. "And, Spencer and I are visiting at Christmas. Sunshine will be a welcome break after a fall in Oxford." My gaze flitted down to the soft grass. Leona had done so much for me, I wasn't sure how I'd ever repay her friendship and love. "I always needed you more than you needed me."

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