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Chapter Song: Cold Blooded by Khalid

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Chapter Song: Cold Blooded by Khalid

Last night, after I'd drunkenly told my father to fuck off, Easton and Southron chased me down Broadway. Nora trailing angrily behind.

It was the first time I'd ever seen my siblings united behind a common cause.

"What the hell was that about, West?" Easton demanded. "I'm getting married tomorrow! Why are you poking the bear?"

Whether it was my father, or Stella, or the wedding, or the fact that my life as I knew it was imploding, I let my temper to boil over.

And showed Easton exactly how I felt.

"Poking the bear? Are you kidding?" I gave East a hard shove and almost knocked his gangly ass over. "I was playing the piano and singing. You were all dancing. He was the one poking me." I jabbed an accusatory finger at my siblings. "None of you care enough about me to stand up to him."

I was so angry I could taste stomach acid and vodka. I went to shove him again when South grabbed my wrist and clamped down on a pressure point that brought me to my knees.

Damn Navy SEAL tactics.

"No need to get handsy, bro," South drawled before letting me go. "We're all just talking."

"Handsy? I'm not the one getting handsy." My breaths were short and tight. And before I could stop myself, my secret was out. "Dad's the handsy one! He's having an affair with his flag aid!"

South and East stared back at me like I'd just admitted to being a space alien.

"That can't be true," East mumbled.

"It is. I caught them having sex in the downstairs office!"

The sound of New York City street traffic swallowed the silence. That was until Nora let out an exasperated sigh.

"I didn't want to say anything since South just came back from deployment and Easton's been so busy with the wedding, but I've known about dad's affair for two months."

Now it was my turn to stare at Nora like she'd admitted to being an alien. "Two months? You've known he was cheating on mom for two whole months?"

"Yes, I've known. And let me make something clear," Nora said in warning. "All of you need to keep your mouth shut. If this gets out, our family name turns to trash. They'll be a huge investigation—"

"So what?" I snapped."He deserves to burn!"

"But do we?" Nora asked, crossing her delicate arms. For someone so petite, she was as indomitable as a brick wall. "Why should we ruin our reputations because of his mistakes? Our last name is all we have. Tell someone you're a Tenney, and doors open."

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