Chapter Two: A Whole New World

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Naruto saw the door to the room open and quickly fell back onto the bed and pretended to sleep.

"A miracle? How so Maester Pycelle" said the voice. They made their way to the bed and he could feel them standing right next to him. 

The voice Nartuo heard was that of a man and he sure sounded amused. Amused at what exactly. The fact that he survived a petty fall. They must be joking. He survived anything thrown his way.

"The boy also seems to be no ordinary person. What can you tell of him, Maester" this knocked Naruto out of his thoughts as he listened carefully to what they were talking about him

One of them coughed and this made Maester Pycelle continue, "Uhm, the boy is healing at an alarming rate than normal. Faster than anything I've seen". 

"I will inform my father of this news. But for now, treat the boy" the said man then left.

Naruto heard a little rustling from the corner and opened one to peak at this Mae-whatever he was called. He saw the old man turning his back at him and searching for something on the shelves.

He took this chance and slowly stood up and quietly made his way to the windows. Just then something fell and broke creating a loud sound in the room.

The man turned back and he quickly hid behind a shelf.

The man saw that the bed was empty and scrambled to look for him. He looked around and saw the open window and thought he jumped out of the window.

"Guards we have a boy on the loose. Find him" said the man.

As soon as he said that two guards cam inside the room, ¨What does the boy look like¨ one said.

"The boy has blond hair and pale skin. He is injured so he can't have gotten that far. Send out a platoon and find him".

The guards nodded and headed to do as they were ordered.

The man looked anxious, his loss must have been important to him. The man took one final look of the room than left. Probably to inform the other man of his disappearance.

As soon as the man left he waited a couple minutes before he took off for the door. He opened it to reveal a hallway.

He took off running down the hallway until he stopped in his tracks when he saw a guard standing at the end of the hallway.

He hid and tried to use a jutsu and to his horror he cannot do it. His chakra levels were way too low. At this rate he was almost sure he had no chakra left. 

But he'll worry about that later, for now he needs to get out of this place and return back to family and friends. And to do that he needs his clothes and his sword, now where did these people put his stuff. 

He ran back to the medical room and rummage through the place until he found his clothes neatly folded inside a cupboard. Then he looked for his sword, he found it in a storage room where some medicines were stored in.

He put on his clothes and attached his sword to his sword belt and ran towards the door and continued running towards where he saw the guard. And there he stood, the guard stood where he expected him to be.

He removed a kunai from his pocket dimension and threw it towards the guard. It hit the guard straight in the head and this killed him. He tried to take the guards armor off but then another platoon of guards came and spotted him.

"There he is, get him" yelled what he assumed to be the head of the platoon.

They found him.

He took off running to the other side of the hallways. He ran down some stairs, then up some stairs, hid in some rooms until he was found,  he then ran towards a hallway and came across a huge door.

¨That must be the exit to this place¨ he thought.

The door had two other soldiers holding the door open he ran towards it and threw two kunai's at the guards. He made his way inside and it was full of people wearing some weird clothing. 

He looked forward and saw a man on a large white horse. The blond teenager who was talking to the man finished with

"and Hand of the King", said the blond teenager.

The Guards finally arrived and were covering his only escape route. He looked straight ahead and saw a man on his horse now turning to look at him. Now that is one terrifying man to look at.

As he stood their and stared at the man on his horse. All eyes were now on him.

¨Apologies, My Lord. He escaped from the medical room¨ said the guard. 

Naruto stood there wide eyed, staring directly at the intimidating man on his white horse. Now he was surrounded on all sides.

¨Apologies, My Lord. We will escort him back¨ said the guard.

When the guards moved to apprehend Naruto. Naruto turned from the man on the horse and looked towards the guards. He drew out his sword and pointed at them.

Whispers broke out throughout the crowd. Whispering on whom this mysterious boy is and who he could be.

Everyone whispered grew more and more louder until the man on the horse took a glance, well more like a glare at them and they all shut up.

The man then turned to look at Naruto, "Stand down" the man's voice echoed throughout the cavernous room. A shiver ran through Naruto. That was the voice of a leader.

Naruto had no time to think of this when he heard the guards beginning to sheath their swords. He then lowered his own sword but remained aware of any sudden movement on the guards side.

"Grandfather, what is going on. Is he one of Stannis's followers?" said the boy on what looks to be a throne.

Naruto looked at the teenager before him, he appeared to be the ruler, then who might the man be. Gears were working in Naruto's brain. Trying to guess who these people who are, where he was, and how in the name of Kami did he get here.

"I asked you a question boy. Who are you" asked the man. His eyes narrowed and looked at him with all the fierceness of a predator.

Naruto remained silent.

¨His Lordship asked you a question boy. Answer him¨ yelled the guard.

Confusion washed over him, what was he supposed to say, "Uhm, Hello" an awkward chuckle escaped him before he could stop.

"How dare you" said the guard.

He was too slow to react when the guard used the pummel of his sword to hit him on the head. This knocked him unconscious and he fell to the ground. 

Naruto was escorted back to the Medical Room.

"Apologies Father, I was about to"


The man's booming voice echoed throughout the throne room.

He motioned for the captain of his guard to come forward.

"Two Lannister guards in and around the medical room. Make sure the boy doesn't escape again. When he wakes up, escort him to the Hands Tower". 

¨Right away, Lord Lannister" and the captain left to fulfill his lords order. 

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