Secrets Unfold

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The Diplomatic Teams celebrations were cut short when an ANBU Agent arrived and said that the Hokage requested an audience with Akihito. Akihito was disappointed that the celebrations were cut short but he knew that it must be something important for the Hokage to request his presence. 

Akihito left with the ANBU Agent. On there way Akihito got to know the ANBU Agent a little better. He found out that this Agent was one of Hokage-jiji's most trusted and loyal Agents. He also learned that Agent Panther (that's his name) was once a shinobi from Kiri but he defected because of the start of the bloodline purges. You see Agent Panther was originally from Kirigakure but he ran away when the bloodline purges began. He was a member of the Yuki Clan but since the Fourth Mizukage began the bloodline purges his clan was brought to near extinction so he ran away. 

Hearing this Akihito was greatly saddened at this, no clan should face near extinction because of something they haven't done. This reminded him of what his clan the Uzumaki's went through. His clan was a powerful one but they were brought to the brink of extinction because of something they possessed. He was glad that Hokage-jiji accepted him into Konoha.

"He is waiting for you" Possum pointed to the Hokage's office. Akihito went into the office and greeted the Hokage who was lost in thought.

Hokage P.O.V

I was busy thinking of what my ANBU Agents said. Could it be true, little Naruto is Akihito. Well I will confirm it now. 

"Hokage-san you wanted to see me" 

I looked up and saw Akihito entering through the door. I smiled at him and pointed at a chair. He sat down at the chair and asked about why I wanted to see him. 

"I wanted to see to tell you that tomorrow is your training with Itachi Uchiha. I wanted to see if you are okay with this schedule". 

I then handed a copy of the schedule to him. He looked at it for a few moments than nodded happily.

"Its okay, I like the new schedule" he said happily.

We then sat awkwardly in silence. He looked at me and I looked at him. 



"Well if there is nothing else, I am taking my leave. Goodbye Hokage-san." he stood up and waved happily.

I looked at him as he was about to leave, " Yes, Goodbye Akihito-san,

"Or should I say, 


I saw him stop in his tracks. He was frozen in place. I stood up and and went to stand 3 feet from him. He then turned slowly around and looked at me with sad eyes. 

"I am afraid you are mistaken Hokage-san. I am not Naruto Uzumaki, I am Akihito Shinji."

"I never mentioned his last name, then how did you know"

Akihito looked nervously around, "Uuuuum, I kk-now because it's common knowledge. I mean who doesn't know about the Kyubi's Jinchuriki."

I looked sadly at him, "Naruto please, why are you hiding from me. You promised to return, then why are you hiding. Did you know how sad and heartbroken I was when you left. You left without saying goodbye except for that letter. When you left I blamed myself for it and I vowed to make this village a better place for you to return". I cried at the end. 

Akihito looked at the Hokage with tears threatening to fall from his eyes. 

Akihito then came and hug me, we cried together. 

"I am so sorry jiji, but when my paternal grandfather the Fire Daimyo found me. I left with him because he was the only blood related person I know. I promised to return to Konoha when the time was right. That's why I came back. I am so so so sorry jiji."

We stayed like that for who knows how long until we seperated.

No One's P.O.V

When me and the Hokage separated from the hug, he wiped away his tears and smiled at me. 

"When are you going to reveal your true identity" the Hokage asked.

"I was thinking of revealing on the Day of the Chunin Finals" Akihito replied.

The Hokage nodded and smiled sadly. 

"Hokage-jiji, do you mind keeping this secret between us I don't want anyone else to find out just yet"

The Hokage agreed and Akihito bid his real farewell this time.

"Goodbye Hokage-jiji, see you on the day of our first mission."

The Hokage laughed at Akihito's antics. Then he turned back to read his latest edition of Icha Icha Series.

"laugh pervertedly" oh what a naughty little minx" 

While the Hokage was um doing his "work". 

An ANBU Agent with a blank mask slowly went outside to inform his leader of this new information.

Unknown P.O.V (I am sure you guys know who this is)

In an Underground secret hideout, an old man with a fricken cane was waiting for one of his informatives.

"Lord Danzo, I found some new information on that Prince that you might be interested in"

The old man nodded.

"As you might have guessed the Crown Prince Akihito is Naruto Uzumaki. But they are still keeping it a secret until the day of the Final Exams"

The old man or should I say Danzo took in this new information and smirked evilly.

"So, our dear prince is the Kyuubi Brat. That's why we couldn't find him. Oh well, let's see what Hiruzen is playing at. Go back and see what else you find."

The ANBU Agent nodded and returned back to assume his previous position. (Spying on the Hokage. Ps. that is so weird)

When the Agent left, Danzo sat alone in the dark thinking of some other evil thing to do under Hiruzen's nose.

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