The Escape Plan

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After the Fire Daimyo revealed his side of the story, Naruto reveals to him that he is also the last member of the Uzumaki Royal Family. The Daimyo was surprised to hear this and continued to ask him.


"Daimyo-jiji, I also have something to tell you"

The Daimyo nodded and Naruto continued to tell him that not only is he royal from his father's side but also from his mother's side. His mother is Kushina Uzumaki, the last royal heir to the throne of Uzu no Kuni. 

The Daimyo was happy to hear this, and told Naruto to rest while he goes to deal with some business. 

Flashback Ended.


The Daimyo walks outside Naruto's Room and heads to his carriage. On the way to his estate, he is happy to find out that Naruto is also a Royal, but from the famed and powerful Uzumaki Royal Family. This little secret could solidify his role as a Crown Prince of the Land of Fire. All Naruto needs is teaching and in a few years he will be up to the task.

The Daimyo was so deep in thought that he didn't notice that they have already arrived.

"Your Majesty, we have arrived"

The Daimyo looks up and mutters a little thank you and heads inside. He heads towards his office and went inside and calls for his most trusted bodyguard.

"Long Fei, I have a task for you. I want you to prepare my return to the capital, we are heading back in two days. I want you to find perfect tutors to teach my grandson in history, art, kenjutsu, ninjutsu, taijutsu, bojutsu, and etiquette."

Long Fei takes in his orders and leaves. The Daimyo was thinking of how to take Naruto out of Konoha without being detected by the shinobi's sensors and its many security.

The Daimyo decided to get some rest if he wants to see his grandson in the early morning. 

In the hospital bed, Naruto is thinking of his life went from being hated by most of the Konoha population to being a prince of 2 dynasties. He smiles at the thought of not being alone anymore. The  he drifts of to sleep.

The next morning.

Naruto wakes up to doctor standing next to him and telling him that he has been released from the hospital. Naruto gets ready to leave when a guard comes inside his room and tells him that his grandfather is waiting for him at his estate.

Naruto smiles at the thought of his grandfather, when he was ready he went with the guard. He was being escorted back to the estate on a carriage, at first he refuses to be escorted on a carriage like those spoiled brats but the guards managed to convince him that it's for his safety.

So here we see Naruto being escorted on his grandfather's carriage, the people stopped to bow and there lord when in actuality it was Naruto (the so called Demon Brat) that they were bowing to. The people were so oblivious that it was Naruto and not there lord, inside the carriage Naruto was laughing his ass out at how stupid the people of Konoha are to believe that he was his grandfather. 

He ceased laughing and continued to wait patiently until they arrived at his grandfather's estate. 

When they arrived, Naruto marveled at the beauty of his grandfather's estate. The estate was simply beautiful. The gates were made of oak and adorned with metals and the crest of the Royal Family. He went inside and saw that it was also beautiful, there were gardens, pavilions, and statues. He saw servants going about their daily chores.

"Wow, this place is awesome" I smile and twirled.

I heard laughing and turned around to see grandfather laughing while holding his hips.

"Grandfather" I yelled and ran at him. I jumped and hug him, he hugged me back and led me to his office. 

"Naruto, we are heading back to the capital and I have decided to take you back with me. For this to succeed we are going to put under a disguise. Now listen carefully we are going to disguise as my nephew, Prince Genji. He is the same age as you and has similar characteristics  to you, but for all this to work you need to act perfectly."

"Of course gramps, I can act perfectly I've been doing it for a long time"

The Fire Daimyo smiles and told Naruto to go stay in his new room.

Naruto goes to the room and reads a few books on how to behave like a proper royal. He reads for the entire day, and when night came his food was delivered to him. He ate and continued to read his book.

It was already late so he went to bed and slept.

Okay guys this is the daring plan. 

Will they succeed or not, find out next time on the next chapter.

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